Results for "Computer Science Books"
Computer Science Books
35,452 results
Merkin, John H. (Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, U, Pop, Ioan (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes-Bo, Yian Yian Lok
Merkin, John H. (Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, U, Pop, Ioan (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes-Bo, Yian Yian Lok
$248 Elsewhere $266.90 Save $18.90 (7%)
Valeev, Sagit (Full Professor, Department of Computer Science an, Kondratyeva, Natalya (Associate Professor, Department of Compute
Valeev, Sagit (Full Professor, Department of Computer Science an, Kondratyeva, Natalya (Associate Professor, Department of Compute
$207 Elsewhere $218.69 Save $11.69 (5%)