Alison Krauss is back with Union Station for Paper Airplane, her 14th studio album and the band's first since 2004's Lonely Runs Both Ways. Krauss and the band self-produced the outing, working with engineer Mike Shipley.
Professional Reviews
Rolling Stone (p.98) - 3.5 stars out of 5 -- "As usual, the virtuoso music shines without flashiness."
Entertainment Weekly (p.86) - "Exactingly performed and lushly produced, AIRPLANE exudes a bone-deep tranquility.." -- Grade: B
Billboard (p.28) - "Austere and melancholy, dealing mostly with heartbreaks and farewells with a modicum of hope.....PAPER AIRPLANE still conveys the rich and understated beauty that's always been the group's trademark."
Paste (magazine) - "Whatever blood, sweat and tears were shed during the creation of this beautifully realized cycle of songs are invisible as each performance comes off as exhilarating, natural and blissfully unforced."
Record Collector (magazine) (p.96) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "Union Station still share the billing and Krauss still trades vocals with guitarist Dan Tyminski, whose lead-sung tracks add a greater sense of authenticity..."