All eyes are focused on the Vatican, hoping to see the traditional puffs of white smoke that signal the selection of the next Pope. But this time, much more is at stake. The new pontiff may be the only person who can bring peace to a world hovering on the edge of nuclear nightmare.
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All eyes are focused on the Vatican, hoping to see the traditional puffs of white smoke that signal the selection of the next Pope. But this time, much more is at stake. The new pontiff may be the only person who can bring peace to a world hovering on the edge of nuclear nightmare.
This adaptation of the Morris West novel, The Shoes of the Fisherman, had a top cast for the time it was made (1968). It is a long movie for its time (almost 3 hours) and discusses issues that were particularly relevant for its era, such as the Cold War. However it also raises important contemporary issues, such as the wealth of the Catholic church and how to deal with dissenting voices. Morris West was a thoughtful critic of the Church, but offered solutions with his criticisms. In some ways, his thoughtfulness is lost in this movie adaptation of his work, but there is still some evidence of his thinking. It does become heavy going at times, but there are some magic moments, for example when the pope decides to go for a walk around Rome. Anthony Quinn is good in his role and there are some interesting prophetic suggestions in the film as well. Many people love this film and it has stood the test of time well. Perhaps too long but enjoyable viewing.
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