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Doctor Who: Series 5 (Box ­Set) [Region 4]

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Release Date
6 January 2011

Matt Smith stars as the dynamic Eleventh Doctor in Doctor Who Series 5. After his explosive regeneration, the Doctor pulls himself from the wrecked TARDIS and comes face-to-face with the spirited Amy Pond. The new Doctor has just 20 minutes to save the world and only Amy to help him! As always, wherever the Doctor goes, his oldest enemies, the Daleks are never far behind. But they are not the only creatures the Doctor and Amy must face there are also alien vampires, humanoid reptiles and the Weeping Angels.

Featured Episodes:
The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory of the Daleks
The Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
The Vampires of Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang

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Product Description

Matt Smith stars as the dynamic Eleventh Doctor in Doctor Who Series 5. After his explosive regeneration, the Doctor pulls himself from the wrecked TARDIS and comes face-to-face with the spirited Amy Pond. The new Doctor has just 20 minutes to save the world and only Amy to help him! As always, wherever the Doctor goes, his oldest enemies, the Daleks are never far behind. But they are not the only creatures the Doctor and Amy must face there are also alien vampires, humanoid reptiles and the Weeping Angels.

Featured Episodes:
The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory of the Daleks
The Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
The Vampires of Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang

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Product Details
Run Time
865 minutes
English SDH

This is a Region 4 disc. A multi-region player may be required in order to play this disc in this part of the world.

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5 out of 5 | From 4 Customer Ratings

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By trish on May 10, 2011
It may not be every one's cup of tea but I have fond memories of Friday night and the weekly screening of Dr Who.The sets wobbled, the costumes were crude and the special effects were diabolical;flash forward nearly thirty years- the sets are solid,the special effects out of this world- but there is one constant; the Dr will always be there to make the Universe a safer place. We get to meet the 11th incarnation of the Dr (played by Matt Smith) after he has landed in the garden of one Amy Pond(Karen Gillan). She becomes an important part of the Dr's life having to help him save the world in 20mins in The Eleventh Hour and making a terrible choice when the Dr reappears after an absence of five years in the episode Amy's Choice. We are reaquainted with some old enemies the Daleks when Sir Winston Churchill summons the Doctor to London during the blitz of WWII in Victory of the Daleks. The Weeping Angels appear in two episodes to terrorise the Doctor and his companions;The Time of the Angels and Flesh and Stone. We meet yet again the mysterious River Song and find out more about her relationship with the Doctor.The Doctor's companions come together to send him the chilling warning.....The Pandorica Opens.This episode is a who's who (pardon the pun) of the Doctor's greatest enemies.We meet Vincent Van Gogh who takes a definite interest in Amy Pond;battle vampires in 17th century Venice and meet the Silurians who have been a thorn in the side of the Doctor since the early days of Who. Take a wild rollercoaster ride in the Tardis with the Doctor and his friends as they bounce from one end of the time continuum to the other in one of the best seasons yet.You won't regret it.
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By Oliver on January 20, 2011
Series 5 sees quite a big change in the whole programme, new lead actors, new opening, new TARDIS, new enemies, new screwdriver, new EVERYTHING, and this disc release is undoubtedly the best looking Doctor Who boxset release to this date, with the wonderful cover picture, and inside layout, and great bonus features. Highly recommended, and several classics in here, and the special features are a great effort.
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By Paul on October 9, 2011
Although David Tennant will be sorely missed by most, Matt Smith the youngest actor to play the Doctor does a marvelous job at keeping this tv series alive. Loved by the whole family, a great watch.
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