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Zygmunt Bauman
SAGE Masters in Modern Social Thought Series
By Peter Beilharz (Edited by)

Hardback, 1560 pages
United States, 1 July 2002

Zygmunt Bauman is widely acknowledged as the most interesting and consistent of postmodern sociologists. Yet his work is widely dispersed across a number of fields and his critical interpretation is scattered across a wide array of disciplines. This major four-volume collection draws together these important materials for the first time. The contributions in the four-volume set are organized around themes, as follows:

- biographical

- communism and Eastern Europe

- Modernity and the Holocaust

- Marxism, class and political economy

- sociology: Weber, bureaucracy, Durkheim, the stranger, consumption, work and welfare

- postmodernism

- ethics

- death and dying

- intellectuals and power

- extensions and applications of Bauman's ideas by others, from Japan to Latin America and Scandinavia.

The collection features the work of key commentators and is edited by Peter Beilharz, Professor of Sociology at La Trobe University and Director of the Thesis Eleven Centre for Critical Theory. He is the author of Zygmunt Bauman: Dialectic of Modernity (SAGE Publications, 2000) and editor of The Bauman Reader (Blackwell, 2000).



Reading Zygmunt Bauman - Peter Beilharz

Looking for Clues

Modernity, Postmodernity and Ethics - Zygmunt Bauman, Timo Cantell and Poul Poder Pedersen

An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman

The Journey Never Ends - Zygmunt Bauman and Peter Beilharz

Zygmunt Bauman Talks with Peter Beilharz

Gespr[um]ach mit Janina Bauman and Zygmunt Bauman - Janina Bauman and Zygmunt Bauman

Context and Sociological Horizons - Zygmunt Bauman and Keith Tester

Three Appreciations of Zygmunt Bauman - Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe

Bauman's Ways of Seeing the World - Stefan Morawski

Zygmunt Bauman - Dennis Smith

How to Be a Successful Outsider

Identity and the Limits of Comparison - Ian Varcoe

Bauman's Reception in Germany

Modernity and Tough Jews

The Right to Inconsistency - Pieter Nijhoff

Sociology, Postmodernity and Exile - Zygmunt Bauman, Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe

An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman

Culture and Power in the Writings of Zygmunt Bauman - Ian Varcoe and Richard Kilminster

Laudatio f[um]ur Zygmunt Bauman - Claus Offe

Zygmunt Bauman - Barry Smart

Demons of Other People's Fear - Janina Bauman

The Plight of the Gypsies

The Walls Tighten around Us - Janina Bauman

A Dream of Belonging - Janina Bauman

My Years in Postwar Poland

A Review of Janina Bauman's Winter in the Morning - Wladyslaw Bartoszewski

Out of the Ghetto - Patrick Wright

A Sad Story - Carole Angier

Endings and Contradictions - Murray Baumgarten

Observations on Holocaust Literature


Poland and Britain - Julian Hochfeld

Two Concepts of Socialism

The Origins and Significance of East European Revisionism - Karl Reyman and Herman Singer

Polish Revisionism - James H Satterwhite

Critical Thinking in Poland from 1953

A Pleading for Revolution - Leszek Kolakowski

A Rejoinder to Z Bauman

The Social Role of Eastern European Intellectuals Reconsidered - Lewis A Coser

Intellectuals and Modernity - David Roberts

A Postmodern Perspective



Bauman in Germany - Hans Joas

Modern Violence and the Problems of German Self-Understanding

Modernity and Totalitarianism - Luciano Pellicani

Modernity, Libertarianism and Critical Theory - Alex Delfini and Paul Piccone

Reply to Pellicani

Genocide, Civilization and Modernity - Michael Freeman

Genocide and Decivilizing Processes in Germany - Jonathan Fletcher

Civilization and Ambivalence - Ian Burkitt

Holocaust Topologies - David B Clarke, Marcus A Doel and Francis X McDonough

Singularity, Politics, Space

The Holocaust and the Modernization of Gender - Ann Taylor Allen

A Historiographical Essay

The Terrorism of Reason in the Thought of Zygmunt Bauman - David Torevell

Sociology, History and the Holocaust - Ivar Oxaal

Race, Ethnicity and the Rational Organization of Evil - John Rex

Modernity, the Holocaust and Politics - Rosemary H T O'Kane

Testimonies and Studies - Edith Kurzweil

The Holocaust, Modernity and Tough Jews - Jack Zipes

Genocide and the Social Production of Immorality - Ruth Jamieson

[um]Uber die Rationalit[um]at des B[um]osen - Zygmunt Bauman, Harald Welzer and Peter Beilharz

Interview mit Zygmunt Bauman

Modernity and the Holocaust - A D Moses

Overall Interpretations - Yehuda Bauer

Zygmunt Bauman, Jeffrey Herf, Goetz Aly

Historicizing the Holocaust - Dominick LaCapra

Genocide and the Social Production of Immortality - Andrew Charlesworth

Towards a Geography of the Shoah - R Kilminster and I Varcoe

The Critique of Instrumental Rationality - Robert Fine


Zygmunt Bauman's Postmodern Turn - Douglas Kellner

Postmodern Ethics - Scott Lash

The Missing Ground

Zygmunt Bauman - George Ritzer

From Modern to Postmodern

Zygmunt Bauman - Steven Seidman

Modernity, Postmodernity and the New Middle Ages - Dennis Smith



The Discontented Epoch - Tim May

Freedom and Security in Bauman's Postmodernity

Inter Putatorem et Vastitatem - Michael Crozier

The Ambivalences of the Garden Metaphor in Modernity

The Consequences of Alterity - Gillian Robinson

Zygmunt Bauman's Modernity and Ambivalence

Zygmunt Bauman - Shaun Best

Personal Reflections within the Mainstream of Modernity

Closed Spaces Restricted Places - Angus Bancroft

The Resurgence of Politics in the Work of Zygmunt Bauman

Review of Liquid Modernity - Robert Campain


Why Does Proximity Make a Moral Difference? Coming to Terms with a Lesson Learned from the Holocaust - Arne Johan Vetlesen

Business Ethics and Bauman Ethics - Ren[ac]e Ten Bos

Postmodernity and the Ethics of Care - Ross Abbinnett

Situating Bauman's Social Theory

An Ethics of the Ephemeral? The Possibilities and Impossibilities of Zygmunt Bauman's Ethics: A Review of Some Recent Books by Zygmunt Bauman - Alan Latham

Making Moral Citizens - Keith Tester

On Himmelfarb's De-Moralization Thesis

Durkheim, Morality and Modernity - Chris Shilling and Philip A Mellor

Collective Effervescence, Homo Duplex and the Sources of Moral Action

In Defence of a Dialectical Ethic beyond Postmodern Morality - Mark Mason

Zygmunt Bauman's Poisoned Gift of Morality - Matthias Junge


Review of Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies - Robert Bocock

Death, Medicine and the Right to Die - Thomas F Tierney

An Engagement with Heidegger, Bauman and Baudrillard

Modernity, Mortality and Mystery - Anton A van Niekerk

Death. So What? Sociology, Sequestration and Emancipation - Hugh Willmott

Postmodernity, High Modernity and New Modernity - James A Beckford

Three Concepts in Search of Religion


Society under Suspicion - Nigel Dodd

Bauman and Rorty

Creativity and the Rise of Social Postmodernism - Gerard Delanty

Foucault, Lyotard and Bauman

Against 'Modernity' - Anthony Woodiwiss

A Dissident Rant

Is Bauman's Bureau Weber's Bureau? A Comment - Paul du Gay

The Stranger and Social Theory - Vince Marotta

McFascism? Reading Ritzer, Bauman and the Holocaust - Peter Beilharz



Counting Memories? Revisiting Bauman, Reading Wright - Peter Beilharz

Review of Memories of Class - Maurizio D'Entr[gr]eves

Dead Indians, Flawed Consumers and Snowballs in Hell - Trevor Hogan

On Zygmunt Bauman's New Poor

After the Poor - Geoff Sharp

A Future with a Past

Consumers, Identity and Belonging - Alan Warde

Reflections on Some Theses of Zygmunt Bauman

Consumption, Identity-Formation and Uncertainty - Alan Warde

Bauman, Intellectuals and Modernity - Ian Heywood


Transcending Modernity? Individualism, Ethics and Japanese Discourses of Difference in the Postwar World - John Clammer

Hybridity Globalization and the Stranger - B[um]ulent Diken

The Impertinence of Intellectuals - Joanildo A Burity

Democracy and Postmodernity in Latin America

On Communism, Post-Communism, Modernity and Postmodernity - Leslie Holmes

Introduction to Organizing Modernity - John Law

Privileged Nomads - Dick Pels

The Color of Jews - Jon Stratton

Jews, Race and the White Australia Policy

The Feminization of Stigma in the Relationship between Israelis and Shoah Survivors - Ronit Lentin

Cannibalism and Bulimia - Jock Young

Modernity and Behaviour Control - Nils Christie

The Utopics of Modernity - Kevin Hetherington

Authoritarian High Modernism - James C Scott

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Product Description

Zygmunt Bauman is widely acknowledged as the most interesting and consistent of postmodern sociologists. Yet his work is widely dispersed across a number of fields and his critical interpretation is scattered across a wide array of disciplines. This major four-volume collection draws together these important materials for the first time. The contributions in the four-volume set are organized around themes, as follows:

- biographical

- communism and Eastern Europe

- Modernity and the Holocaust

- Marxism, class and political economy

- sociology: Weber, bureaucracy, Durkheim, the stranger, consumption, work and welfare

- postmodernism

- ethics

- death and dying

- intellectuals and power

- extensions and applications of Bauman's ideas by others, from Japan to Latin America and Scandinavia.

The collection features the work of key commentators and is edited by Peter Beilharz, Professor of Sociology at La Trobe University and Director of the Thesis Eleven Centre for Critical Theory. He is the author of Zygmunt Bauman: Dialectic of Modernity (SAGE Publications, 2000) and editor of The Bauman Reader (Blackwell, 2000).



Reading Zygmunt Bauman - Peter Beilharz

Looking for Clues

Modernity, Postmodernity and Ethics - Zygmunt Bauman, Timo Cantell and Poul Poder Pedersen

An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman

The Journey Never Ends - Zygmunt Bauman and Peter Beilharz

Zygmunt Bauman Talks with Peter Beilharz

Gespr[um]ach mit Janina Bauman and Zygmunt Bauman - Janina Bauman and Zygmunt Bauman

Context and Sociological Horizons - Zygmunt Bauman and Keith Tester

Three Appreciations of Zygmunt Bauman - Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe

Bauman's Ways of Seeing the World - Stefan Morawski

Zygmunt Bauman - Dennis Smith

How to Be a Successful Outsider

Identity and the Limits of Comparison - Ian Varcoe

Bauman's Reception in Germany

Modernity and Tough Jews

The Right to Inconsistency - Pieter Nijhoff

Sociology, Postmodernity and Exile - Zygmunt Bauman, Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe

An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman

Culture and Power in the Writings of Zygmunt Bauman - Ian Varcoe and Richard Kilminster

Laudatio f[um]ur Zygmunt Bauman - Claus Offe

Zygmunt Bauman - Barry Smart

Demons of Other People's Fear - Janina Bauman

The Plight of the Gypsies

The Walls Tighten around Us - Janina Bauman

A Dream of Belonging - Janina Bauman

My Years in Postwar Poland

A Review of Janina Bauman's Winter in the Morning - Wladyslaw Bartoszewski

Out of the Ghetto - Patrick Wright

A Sad Story - Carole Angier

Endings and Contradictions - Murray Baumgarten

Observations on Holocaust Literature


Poland and Britain - Julian Hochfeld

Two Concepts of Socialism

The Origins and Significance of East European Revisionism - Karl Reyman and Herman Singer

Polish Revisionism - James H Satterwhite

Critical Thinking in Poland from 1953

A Pleading for Revolution - Leszek Kolakowski

A Rejoinder to Z Bauman

The Social Role of Eastern European Intellectuals Reconsidered - Lewis A Coser

Intellectuals and Modernity - David Roberts

A Postmodern Perspective



Bauman in Germany - Hans Joas

Modern Violence and the Problems of German Self-Understanding

Modernity and Totalitarianism - Luciano Pellicani

Modernity, Libertarianism and Critical Theory - Alex Delfini and Paul Piccone

Reply to Pellicani

Genocide, Civilization and Modernity - Michael Freeman

Genocide and Decivilizing Processes in Germany - Jonathan Fletcher

Civilization and Ambivalence - Ian Burkitt

Holocaust Topologies - David B Clarke, Marcus A Doel and Francis X McDonough

Singularity, Politics, Space

The Holocaust and the Modernization of Gender - Ann Taylor Allen

A Historiographical Essay

The Terrorism of Reason in the Thought of Zygmunt Bauman - David Torevell

Sociology, History and the Holocaust - Ivar Oxaal

Race, Ethnicity and the Rational Organization of Evil - John Rex

Modernity, the Holocaust and Politics - Rosemary H T O'Kane

Testimonies and Studies - Edith Kurzweil

The Holocaust, Modernity and Tough Jews - Jack Zipes

Genocide and the Social Production of Immorality - Ruth Jamieson

[um]Uber die Rationalit[um]at des B[um]osen - Zygmunt Bauman, Harald Welzer and Peter Beilharz

Interview mit Zygmunt Bauman

Modernity and the Holocaust - A D Moses

Overall Interpretations - Yehuda Bauer

Zygmunt Bauman, Jeffrey Herf, Goetz Aly

Historicizing the Holocaust - Dominick LaCapra

Genocide and the Social Production of Immortality - Andrew Charlesworth

Towards a Geography of the Shoah - R Kilminster and I Varcoe

The Critique of Instrumental Rationality - Robert Fine


Zygmunt Bauman's Postmodern Turn - Douglas Kellner

Postmodern Ethics - Scott Lash

The Missing Ground

Zygmunt Bauman - George Ritzer

From Modern to Postmodern

Zygmunt Bauman - Steven Seidman

Modernity, Postmodernity and the New Middle Ages - Dennis Smith



The Discontented Epoch - Tim May

Freedom and Security in Bauman's Postmodernity

Inter Putatorem et Vastitatem - Michael Crozier

The Ambivalences of the Garden Metaphor in Modernity

The Consequences of Alterity - Gillian Robinson

Zygmunt Bauman's Modernity and Ambivalence

Zygmunt Bauman - Shaun Best

Personal Reflections within the Mainstream of Modernity

Closed Spaces Restricted Places - Angus Bancroft

The Resurgence of Politics in the Work of Zygmunt Bauman

Review of Liquid Modernity - Robert Campain


Why Does Proximity Make a Moral Difference? Coming to Terms with a Lesson Learned from the Holocaust - Arne Johan Vetlesen

Business Ethics and Bauman Ethics - Ren[ac]e Ten Bos

Postmodernity and the Ethics of Care - Ross Abbinnett

Situating Bauman's Social Theory

An Ethics of the Ephemeral? The Possibilities and Impossibilities of Zygmunt Bauman's Ethics: A Review of Some Recent Books by Zygmunt Bauman - Alan Latham

Making Moral Citizens - Keith Tester

On Himmelfarb's De-Moralization Thesis

Durkheim, Morality and Modernity - Chris Shilling and Philip A Mellor

Collective Effervescence, Homo Duplex and the Sources of Moral Action

In Defence of a Dialectical Ethic beyond Postmodern Morality - Mark Mason

Zygmunt Bauman's Poisoned Gift of Morality - Matthias Junge


Review of Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies - Robert Bocock

Death, Medicine and the Right to Die - Thomas F Tierney

An Engagement with Heidegger, Bauman and Baudrillard

Modernity, Mortality and Mystery - Anton A van Niekerk

Death. So What? Sociology, Sequestration and Emancipation - Hugh Willmott

Postmodernity, High Modernity and New Modernity - James A Beckford

Three Concepts in Search of Religion


Society under Suspicion - Nigel Dodd

Bauman and Rorty

Creativity and the Rise of Social Postmodernism - Gerard Delanty

Foucault, Lyotard and Bauman

Against 'Modernity' - Anthony Woodiwiss

A Dissident Rant

Is Bauman's Bureau Weber's Bureau? A Comment - Paul du Gay

The Stranger and Social Theory - Vince Marotta

McFascism? Reading Ritzer, Bauman and the Holocaust - Peter Beilharz



Counting Memories? Revisiting Bauman, Reading Wright - Peter Beilharz

Review of Memories of Class - Maurizio D'Entr[gr]eves

Dead Indians, Flawed Consumers and Snowballs in Hell - Trevor Hogan

On Zygmunt Bauman's New Poor

After the Poor - Geoff Sharp

A Future with a Past

Consumers, Identity and Belonging - Alan Warde

Reflections on Some Theses of Zygmunt Bauman

Consumption, Identity-Formation and Uncertainty - Alan Warde

Bauman, Intellectuals and Modernity - Ian Heywood


Transcending Modernity? Individualism, Ethics and Japanese Discourses of Difference in the Postwar World - John Clammer

Hybridity Globalization and the Stranger - B[um]ulent Diken

The Impertinence of Intellectuals - Joanildo A Burity

Democracy and Postmodernity in Latin America

On Communism, Post-Communism, Modernity and Postmodernity - Leslie Holmes

Introduction to Organizing Modernity - John Law

Privileged Nomads - Dick Pels

The Color of Jews - Jon Stratton

Jews, Race and the White Australia Policy

The Feminization of Stigma in the Relationship between Israelis and Shoah Survivors - Ronit Lentin

Cannibalism and Bulimia - Jock Young

Modernity and Behaviour Control - Nils Christie

The Utopics of Modernity - Kevin Hetherington

Authoritarian High Modernism - James C Scott

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Product Details
17.8 x 15.2 x 15.2 centimeters (3.10 kg)

Table of Contents

Reading Zygmunt Bauman - Peter Beilharz
Looking for Clues
Modernity, Postmodernity and Ethics - Zygmunt Bauman, Timo Cantell and Poul Poder Pedersen
An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman
The Journey Never Ends - Zygmunt Bauman and Peter Beilharz
Zygmunt Bauman Talks with Peter Beilharz
Gespr[um]ach mit Janina Bauman and Zygmunt Bauman - Janina Bauman and Zygmunt Bauman
Context and Sociological Horizons - Zygmunt Bauman and Keith Tester
Three Appreciations of Zygmunt Bauman - Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe
Bauman′s Ways of Seeing the World - Stefan Morawski
Zygmunt Bauman - Dennis Smith
How to Be a Successful Outsider
Identity and the Limits of Comparison - Ian Varcoe
Bauman′s Reception in Germany
Modernity and Tough Jews
The Right to Inconsistency - Pieter Nijhoff
Sociology, Postmodernity and Exile - Zygmunt Bauman, Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe
An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman
Culture and Power in the Writings of Zygmunt Bauman - Ian Varcoe and Richard Kilminster
Laudatio f[um]ur Zygmunt Bauman - Claus Offe
Zygmunt Bauman - Barry Smart
Demons of Other People′s Fear - Janina Bauman
The Plight of the Gypsies
The Walls Tighten around Us - Janina Bauman
A Dream of Belonging - Janina Bauman
My Years in Postwar Poland
A Review of Janina Bauman′s Winter in the Morning - Wladyslaw Bartoszewski
Out of the Ghetto - Patrick Wright
A Sad Story - Carole Angier
Endings and Contradictions - Murray Baumgarten
Observations on Holocaust Literature
Poland and Britain - Julian Hochfeld
Two Concepts of Socialism
The Origins and Significance of East European Revisionism - Karl Reyman and Herman Singer
Polish Revisionism - James H Satterwhite
Critical Thinking in Poland from 1953
A Pleading for Revolution - Leszek Kolakowski
A Rejoinder to Z Bauman
The Social Role of Eastern European Intellectuals Reconsidered - Lewis A Coser
Intellectuals and Modernity - David Roberts
A Postmodern Perspective
Bauman in Germany - Hans Joas
Modern Violence and the Problems of German Self-Understanding
Modernity and Totalitarianism - Luciano Pellicani
Modernity, Libertarianism and Critical Theory - Alex Delfini and Paul Piccone
Reply to Pellicani
Genocide, Civilization and Modernity - Michael Freeman
Genocide and Decivilizing Processes in Germany - Jonathan Fletcher
Civilization and Ambivalence - Ian Burkitt
Holocaust Topologies - David B Clarke, Marcus A Doel and Francis X McDonough
Singularity, Politics, Space
The Holocaust and the Modernization of Gender - Ann Taylor Allen
A Historiographical Essay
The Terrorism of Reason in the Thought of Zygmunt Bauman - David Torevell
Sociology, History and the Holocaust - Ivar Oxaal
Race, Ethnicity and the Rational Organization of Evil - John Rex
Modernity, the Holocaust and Politics - Rosemary H T O′Kane
Testimonies and Studies - Edith Kurzweil
The Holocaust, Modernity and Tough Jews - Jack Zipes
Genocide and the Social Production of Immorality - Ruth Jamieson
[um]Uber die Rationalit[um]at des B[um]osen - Zygmunt Bauman, Harald Welzer and Peter Beilharz
Interview mit Zygmunt Bauman
Modernity and the Holocaust - A D Moses
Overall Interpretations - Yehuda Bauer
Zygmunt Bauman, Jeffrey Herf, Goetz Aly
Historicizing the Holocaust - Dominick LaCapra
Genocide and the Social Production of Immortality - Andrew Charlesworth
Towards a Geography of the Shoah - R Kilminster and I Varcoe
The Critique of Instrumental Rationality - Robert Fine
Zygmunt Bauman′s Postmodern Turn - Douglas Kellner
Postmodern Ethics - Scott Lash
The Missing Ground
Zygmunt Bauman - George Ritzer
From Modern to Postmodern
Zygmunt Bauman - Steven Seidman
Modernity, Postmodernity and the New Middle Ages - Dennis Smith
The Discontented Epoch - Tim May
Freedom and Security in Bauman′s Postmodernity
Inter Putatorem et Vastitatem - Michael Crozier
The Ambivalences of the Garden Metaphor in Modernity
The Consequences of Alterity - Gillian Robinson
Zygmunt Bauman′s Modernity and Ambivalence
Zygmunt Bauman - Shaun Best
Personal Reflections within the Mainstream of Modernity
Closed Spaces Restricted Places - Angus Bancroft
The Resurgence of Politics in the Work of Zygmunt Bauman
Review of Liquid Modernity - Robert Campain
Why Does Proximity Make a Moral Difference? Coming to Terms with a Lesson Learned from the Holocaust - Arne Johan Vetlesen
Business Ethics and Bauman Ethics - Ren[ac]e Ten Bos
Postmodernity and the Ethics of Care - Ross Abbinnett
Situating Bauman′s Social Theory
An Ethics of the Ephemeral? The Possibilities and Impossibilities of Zygmunt Bauman′s Ethics: A Review of Some Recent Books by Zygmunt Bauman - Alan Latham
Making Moral Citizens - Keith Tester
On Himmelfarb′s De-Moralization Thesis
Durkheim, Morality and Modernity - Chris Shilling and Philip A Mellor
Collective Effervescence, Homo Duplex and the Sources of Moral Action
In Defence of a Dialectical Ethic beyond Postmodern Morality - Mark Mason
Zygmunt Bauman′s Poisoned Gift of Morality - Matthias Junge
Review of Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies - Robert Bocock
Death, Medicine and the Right to Die - Thomas F Tierney
An Engagement with Heidegger, Bauman and Baudrillard
Modernity, Mortality and Mystery - Anton A van Niekerk
Death. So What? Sociology, Sequestration and Emancipation - Hugh Willmott
Postmodernity, High Modernity and New Modernity - James A Beckford
Three Concepts in Search of Religion
Society under Suspicion - Nigel Dodd
Bauman and Rorty
Creativity and the Rise of Social Postmodernism - Gerard Delanty
Foucault, Lyotard and Bauman
Against ′Modernity′ - Anthony Woodiwiss
A Dissident Rant
Is Bauman′s Bureau Weber′s Bureau? A Comment - Paul du Gay
The Stranger and Social Theory - Vince Marotta
McFascism? Reading Ritzer, Bauman and the Holocaust - Peter Beilharz
Counting Memories? Revisiting Bauman, Reading Wright - Peter Beilharz
Review of Memories of Class - Maurizio D′Entr[gr]eves
Dead Indians, Flawed Consumers and Snowballs in Hell - Trevor Hogan
On Zygmunt Bauman′s New Poor
After the Poor - Geoff Sharp
A Future with a Past
Consumers, Identity and Belonging - Alan Warde
Reflections on Some Theses of Zygmunt Bauman
Consumption, Identity-Formation and Uncertainty - Alan Warde
Bauman, Intellectuals and Modernity - Ian Heywood
Transcending Modernity? Individualism, Ethics and Japanese Discourses of Difference in the Postwar World - John Clammer
Hybridity Globalization and the Stranger - B[um]ulent Diken
The Impertinence of Intellectuals - Joanildo A Burity
Democracy and Postmodernity in Latin America
On Communism, Post-Communism, Modernity and Postmodernity - Leslie Holmes
Introduction to Organizing Modernity - John Law
Privileged Nomads - Dick Pels
The Color of Jews - Jon Stratton
Jews, Race and the White Australia Policy
The Feminization of Stigma in the Relationship between Israelis and Shoah Survivors - Ronit Lentin
Cannibalism and Bulimia - Jock Young
Modernity and Behaviour Control - Nils Christie
The Utopics of Modernity - Kevin Hetherington
Authoritarian High Modernism - James C Scott

About the Author

Peter Beilharz is Professor of Sociology at the School of Sociology, Politics and Anthropology, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia.

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