Paperback : $63.97
I. Therapy in the Real World
1. Overview of the Book
2. Evidence-Based Practice
3. Incorporating Multicultural, Racial, and Socioeconomic Diversity
II. Core Mediational Processes
4. Joining and Establishing the Therapeutic Relationship
5. Psychoeducation and Recovery Principles in Mental Health Services
6. Motivational Interviewing
7. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
8. Mindfulness- and Acceptance-Based Principles and Practices
9. Relapse Prevention, Trigger Management, and the Completion of Treatment
III. Systems Interventions: Family, Multisystems, and Group Treatment
10. Family Therapy
11. The Multisystems Model and Interdisciplinary Coordination of Care
12. Group Therapy
IV. Risk Assessment and Crisis Intervention
13. Risk Assessment and Suicide Prevention
14. Crisis Intervention in Clinics, Schools, and Communities: Responses to Violence, Suicide, and Homicide
V. Challenges of Clinical Work, Clinician Self-Care, Supervision, and Training
15. The Benefits and Challenges of Clinical Work and the Importance of Clinician Self-Care
16. Supervision, Training, and Organizational Support as Antidotes to Burnout
Concluding Statement
I. Therapy in the Real World
1. Overview of the Book
2. Evidence-Based Practice
3. Incorporating Multicultural, Racial, and Socioeconomic Diversity
II. Core Mediational Processes
4. Joining and Establishing the Therapeutic Relationship
5. Psychoeducation and Recovery Principles in Mental Health Services
6. Motivational Interviewing
7. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
8. Mindfulness- and Acceptance-Based Principles and Practices
9. Relapse Prevention, Trigger Management, and the Completion of Treatment
III. Systems Interventions: Family, Multisystems, and Group Treatment
10. Family Therapy
11. The Multisystems Model and Interdisciplinary Coordination of Care
12. Group Therapy
IV. Risk Assessment and Crisis Intervention
13. Risk Assessment and Suicide Prevention
14. Crisis Intervention in Clinics, Schools, and Communities: Responses to Violence, Suicide, and Homicide
V. Challenges of Clinical Work, Clinician Self-Care, Supervision, and Training
15. The Benefits and Challenges of Clinical Work and the Importance of Clinician Self-Care
16. Supervision, Training, and Organizational Support as Antidotes to Burnout
Concluding Statement
I. Therapy in the Real World
1. Overview of the Book
2. Evidence-Based Practice
3. Incorporating Multicultural, Racial, and Socioeconomic
II. Core Mediational Processes
4. Joining and Establishing the Therapeutic Relationship
5. Psychoeducation and Recovery Principles in Mental Health
6. Motivational Interviewing
7. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
8. Mindfulness- and Acceptance-Based Principles and Practices
9. Relapse Prevention, Trigger Management, and the Completion of
III. Systems Interventions: Family, Multisystems, and Group
10. Family Therapy
11. The Multisystems Model and Interdisciplinary Coordination of
12. Group Therapy
IV. Risk Assessment and Crisis Intervention
13. Risk Assessment and Suicide Prevention
14. Crisis Intervention in Clinics, Schools, and Communities:
Responses to Violence, Suicide, and Homicide
V. Challenges of Clinical Work, Clinician Self-Care, Supervision,
and Training
15. The Benefits and Challenges of Clinical Work and the Importance
of Clinician Self-Care
16. Supervision, Training, and Organizational Support as Antidotes
to Burnout
Concluding Statement
Nancy Boyd-Franklin, PhD, is Distinguished Professor (Professor
II) in the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. She has received
awards for her outstanding contributions from many professional
organizations, including the American Family Therapy Academy, the
Association of Black Psychologists, the American Psychological
Association (Divisions 45 and 43), the Association of Black Social
Workers, and the American Psychiatric Association. Dr.
Boyd-Franklin is the author of Black Families in Therapy, Second
Edition, and coauthor of Therapy in the Real World,among numerous
other publications.
Elizabeth N. Cleek, PsyD, is a Vice President at the Institute for
Community Living, a large behavioral health care agency in New York
City, where she oversees the Program Design, Evaluation, and
Systems Implementation Department and the Central Access
Department. Dr. Cleek co-led the development of an award-winning
agency clinical risk assessment and intervention system, including
the development of tools, procedural guidelines, and systemic
interventions. She has written and presented on the use of
technology to support implementation of best-practice work, the
development and implementation of health-related interventions for
people with serious mental illness, and multisystems work with
Matt Wofsy, LCSW, is Director of Evidence-Based Treatment and
Practice Innovation at the Institute for Community Living. He has
extensive experience in the area of adapting evidence-based
practices to diverse clinical settings, and has presented his work
at state and national conferences. Mr. Wofsy is a recipient of the
Exemplary Mid-Career Social Work Leader Award from the New York
City chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. He is
Adjunct Professor at New York University Silver School of Social
Work and maintains a private practice in New York City.
Brian Mundy, LCSW, is a Clinical and Evaluation Specialist at the
Institute for Community Living, where he primarily supports
clinicians and service providers in implementing evidence-based
practices in their work with clients. He is a recipient of the
Emerging Social Work Leader Award from the New York City chapter of
the National Association of Social Workers. Mr. Mundy is Adjunct
Professor at Long Island University and maintains a private
clinical practice.
"This groundbreaking book is a powerful and extremely relevant
discussion of the real world of clinical practice today. It is a
necessary addition to the library of every experienced and early
career therapist and mental health practitioner. The book is also
an excellent text for graduate-level courses seeking to provide
students with a thorough overview of the mental health
field."--Joseph L. White, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychology and
Psychiatry, University of California, Irvine
"Boyd-Franklin and her colleagues have written a landmark book
that, for the first time, brings together multiple therapeutic
modalities, multiculturalism, evidence-based practice, and
recommendations for therapist self-care, in a highly accessible,
engaging style. The volume provides therapists with the empirical
basis for therapeutic interventions and with practical guidance for
implementation. Both beginning and experienced therapists working
in the real world will breathe a sigh of relief for the integration
and wisdom the authors provide. I will use this as a core text in
my family and couple therapy courses at the master's and doctoral
levels."--Peter Fraenkel, PhD, Department of Psychology, The City
College of the City University of New York
"This extremely helpful book offers practitioners a readable and
comprehensive primer for current, culturally sensitive clinical
practice. It incorporates a strong focus on dealing with the
diversity of the cases that present for mental health services. And
it makes accessible for marginalized populations the latest
modalities: cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior
therapy, mindfulness- and acceptance-based approaches, motivational
interviewing, recovery approaches, and others. Outstanding case
examples illustrate ways to effectively counter societal
discontinuities and fragmented services for multi-needs clients.
The guidelines for supervision and therapist self-care are clear
and useful. This is a book that all those entering the profession
will want to have as a guide."--Monica McGoldrick, LCSW, PhD
(h.c.), Director, Multicultural Family Institute, Highland Park,
New Jersey
"Eminently accessible, this volume distills the research and
information needed to provide the highest quality clinical
services. The book will improve your work with clients, whether you
are navigating the complexities of public care or maintaining a
private practice. It includes essential guidance for addressing
crises and trauma and understanding clients from diverse
backgrounds. A 'must read' for mental health clinicians,
supervisors, and trainees."--Ronald F. Levant, EdD, ABPP,
Department of Psychology, University of Akron; past president,
American Psychological Association
"You have to be robust to work well in front-line mental health
services. This book is a companion, and a very valuable one. It
builds bridges, clarifies commonalities across treatments, and
helps you to approach complex scenarios with awareness of what
might make a difference to the lives of people from diverse
backgrounds. The authors are champions of compassionate and
competent practice. This book is a considerable
achievement."--Stephen Rollnick, PhD, Honorary Distinguished
Professor, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Wales, United
Kingdom -The authors have brought together their many years of
clinical experience and clinical wisdom….This book gives many
helpful hints and, through its case examples, provides support,
guidance, and increased sensitivity to the many challenging issues
faced by therapists. This book can certainly find a place in
graduate programs in clinical psychology, community psychology, and
social work, especially in those programs that focus on service
delivery in urban and other disadvantaged settings.--Child and
Family Behavior Therapy, 6/26/2014ƒƒA well-written text designed to
assist therapists working in a diversity of settings with clients
from diverse backgrounds and having concerns ranging from mental
illness, substance abuse, family issues, and interventions in
schools, to well-being. The book covers the leading therapies,
guiding principles, and best practices in the field today. Therapy
in the Real World is a thoughtful volume that integrates a great
deal of useful information that the average clinician will have
some occasion to access. It is an easy read, with something for
mental health practitioners across varied disciplines. I recommend
it as a solid addition to a reference library. This is a good
introductory text for classes designed to provide a broad overview
of clinical practice. Clinical supervisors will want to share the
chapters on risk assessment and suicide prevention, crisis
intervention, and clinician self-care with their
supervisees.--PsycCRITIQUES, 1/13/2014ƒƒIt is a highly applied
book, containing a significant number of real-life case examples,
making it a very useful guide for students as well as beginning and
more seasoned clinicians. The book is very accessible and
comfortably combines theory and practice....Abundantly and
masterfully illustrated with vignettes that help ground theoretical
approaches in the real world of clinical practice. Special
attention is given to multicultural aspects and to work with
marginalized populations, a very important aspect of working in the
real world….I appreciate the pragmatisms of this work, the
structure around clinical processes, and the emphasis on diversity
issues as well as work with disadvantaged populations. Also, the
discussion of self-care of therapists and supervision is a welcome
one. These aspects are very important in clinical practice, but are
not necessarily addressed in textbooks. The authors' clinical
expertise is apparent from the depth and breadth of the practical
vignettes they present.--Doody's Review Service, 9/6/2013
"This groundbreaking book is a powerful and extremely relevant
discussion of the real world of clinical practice today. It is a
necessary addition to the library of every experienced and early
career therapist and mental health practitioner. The book is also
an excellent text for graduate-level courses seeking to provide
students with a thorough overview of the mental health
field."--Joseph L. White, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychology and
Psychiatry, University of California, Irvine
"Boyd-Franklin and her colleagues have written a landmark book
that, for the first time, brings together multiple therapeutic
modalities, multiculturalism, evidence-based practice, and
recommendations for therapist self-care, in a highly accessible,
engaging style. The volume provides therapists with the empirical
basis for therapeutic interventions and with practical guidance for
implementation. Both beginning and experienced therapists working
in the real world will breathe a sigh of relief for the integration
and wisdom the authors provide. I will use this as a core text in
my family and couple therapy courses at the master's and doctoral
levels."--Peter Fraenkel, PhD, Department of Psychology, The City
College of the City University of New York
"This extremely helpful book offers practitioners a readable and
comprehensive primer for current, culturally sensitive clinical
practice. It incorporates a strong focus on dealing with the
diversity of the cases that present for mental health services. And
it makes accessible for marginalized populations the latest
modalities: cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior
therapy, mindfulness- and acceptance-based approaches, motivational
interviewing, recovery approaches, and others. Outstanding case
examples illustrate ways to effectively counter societal
discontinuities and fragmented services for multi-needs clients.
The guidelines for supervision and therapist self-care are clear
and useful. This is a book that all those entering the profession
will want to have as a guide."--Monica McGoldrick, LCSW, PhD
(h.c.), Director, Multicultural Family Institute, Highland Park,
New Jersey
"I used this book in my second-year Advanced Clinical Practice
course, and my students liked it. It is one of the most useful and
appropriate books I've seen for teaching social work students about
the wide spectrum of evidence-based practice issues. Readers are
given the opportunity to explore skills, practice models, and
theoretical frameworks, within a contemporary lens that
incorporates culture and diversity. I appreciate the coverage of
clinician self-care and the importance of awareness of burnout in
our field."--Oren Shtayermman, PhD, MSW, School of Social Work,
Portland State University
"You have to be robust to work well in front-line mental health
services. This book is a companion, and a very valuable one. It
builds bridges, clarifies commonalities across treatments, and
helps you to approach complex scenarios with awareness of what
might make a difference to the lives of people from diverse
backgrounds. The authors are champions of compassionate and
competent practice. This book is a considerable
achievement."--Stephen Rollnick, PhD, School of Medicine, Cardiff
University, Wales, United Kingdom
"Eminently accessible, this volume distills the research and
information needed to provide the highest quality clinical
services. The book will improve your work with clients, whether you
are navigating the complexities of public care or maintaining a
private practice. It includes essential guidance for addressing
crises and trauma and understanding clients from diverse
backgrounds. A 'must read' for mental health clinicians,
supervisors, and trainees."--Ronald F. Levant, EdD, ABPP,
Department of Psychology, University of Akron; past president,
American Psychological Association -The authors have brought
together their many years of clinical experience and clinical
wisdom….This book gives many helpful hints and, through its case
examples, provides support, guidance, and increased sensitivity to
the many challenging issues faced by therapists. This book can
certainly find a place in graduate programs in clinical psychology,
community psychology, and social work, especially in those programs
that focus on service delivery in urban and other disadvantaged
settings.--Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 6/26/2014Æ’Æ’ A
well-written text designed to assist therapists working in a
diversity of settings with clients from diverse backgrounds and
having concerns ranging from mental illness, substance abuse,
family issues, and interventions in schools, to well-being. The
book covers the leading therapies, guiding principles, and best
practices in the field today. Therapy in the Real World is a
thoughtful volume that integrates a great deal of useful
information that the average clinician will have some occasion to
access. It is an easy read, with something for mental health
practitioners across varied disciplines. I recommend it as a solid
addition to a reference library. This is a good introductory text
for classes designed to provide a broad overview of clinical
practice. Clinical supervisors will want to share the chapters on
risk assessment and suicide prevention, crisis intervention, and
clinician self-care with their supervisees.--PsycCRITIQUES,
1/13/2014Æ’Æ’ It is a highly applied book, containing a significant
number of real-life case examples, making it a very useful guide
for students as well as beginning and more seasoned clinicians. The
book is very accessible and comfortably combines theory and
practice....Abundantly and masterfully illustrated with vignettes
that help ground theoretical approaches in the real world of
clinical practice. Special attention is given to multicultural
aspects and to work with marginalized populations, a very important
aspect of working in the real world….I appreciate the pragmatisms
of this work, the structure around clinical processes, and the
emphasis on diversity issues as well as work with disadvantaged
populations. Also, the discussion of self-care of therapists and
supervision is a welcome one. These aspects are very important in
clinical practice, but are not necessarily addressed in textbooks.
The authors' clinical expertise is apparent from the depth and
breadth of the practical vignettes they present.--Doody's Review
Service, 9/6/2013
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