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Taking Flight with Captain ­Mama/Despegando con Capitan ­Mama
3rd in an award-winning, bilingual English & Spanish children's aviation picture book series (Captain Mama/Capitan Mama Bilingual Children's Aviation Books)
By Graciela Tiscareno-Sato, Linda Lens (Illustrated by)

Paperback, 62 pages
United States, 1 October 2022

In the third book of the award-winning, bilingual, Captain Mama aviation series, Marco narrates as he and his classmates take flight on the KC-135R aerial refueling tanker during a class field trip. The students and teachers receive a pre-mission briefing and watch what each crewmember does to get the flying gas station ready to fly. In the air, they see the aircrew in action refueling some of the coolest jets in the U.S. Air Force and witness what happens when an emergency suddenly arises in flight! The book includes an original, bilingual origami jet project, bilingual glossaries and bilingual educational resources.

En el tercer libro bilingue de la premiada serie sobre aviacion Capitan Mama, Marco y sus companeros se van de excursion en el avion tanquero de reabastecimiento aereo KC-135R. Los estudiantes y sus maestras reciben una sesion de informacion acerca de la mision, y observan lo que hace cada miembro de la tripulacion para preparar el avion para el vuelo. Ya en el aire, son testigos de como la tripulacion reabastece de combustible varios aviones furtivos de la Fuerza Aerea de los EE.UU., y de los procedimientos en caso de emergencia. El libro incluye un proyecto de origami, glosarios y recursos educativos, todos bilingues.

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Product Description

In the third book of the award-winning, bilingual, Captain Mama aviation series, Marco narrates as he and his classmates take flight on the KC-135R aerial refueling tanker during a class field trip. The students and teachers receive a pre-mission briefing and watch what each crewmember does to get the flying gas station ready to fly. In the air, they see the aircrew in action refueling some of the coolest jets in the U.S. Air Force and witness what happens when an emergency suddenly arises in flight! The book includes an original, bilingual origami jet project, bilingual glossaries and bilingual educational resources.

En el tercer libro bilingue de la premiada serie sobre aviacion Capitan Mama, Marco y sus companeros se van de excursion en el avion tanquero de reabastecimiento aereo KC-135R. Los estudiantes y sus maestras reciben una sesion de informacion acerca de la mision, y observan lo que hace cada miembro de la tripulacion para preparar el avion para el vuelo. Ya en el aire, son testigos de como la tripulacion reabastece de combustible varios aviones furtivos de la Fuerza Aerea de los EE.UU., y de los procedimientos en caso de emergencia. El libro incluye un proyecto de origami, glosarios y recursos educativos, todos bilingues.

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21.6 x 21.6 x 0.4 centimeters (0.17 kg)

About the Author

Author: Graciela Tiscareño-Sato is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley. Shecompleted the Aerospace Studies program as an AFROTC (Air Force Reserve Officer TrainingCorps) scholarship cadet while earning her degree in Architecture and EnvironmentalDesign. During her active-duty career in the Air Force, she deployed to four continents anddozens of countries as a crew member, instructor navigator, and contingency planningofficer. Flying many combat sorties over Southern Iraq on her first deployment to SaudiArabia earned her crew the prestigious Air Medal. Graciela became the first Latina aviator inthe U.S. Air Force to earn this military aviation distinction. Read her full military biographyand contact her at the Creators tab at CaptainMama.com.The White House honored Graciela as a Champion of Change, Woman Veteran Leader in 2014, for her work as asocial entrepreneur and author, specifically for creating this award-winning, bilingual children's book series and aneducational publishing firm to raise the expectations adults have of young Latino students. Graciela actively mentorsstudents who need education and career roadmaps. Graciela and her family live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Whenshe's not speaking, writing, or skiing, you'll find her growing food all year long in the family's permaculture gardencreated during the shelter-in-place phase of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Other books by Graciela include GoodNight, Captain Mama, Captain Mama's Surprise, Latinnovating: Green American Jobs and the Latinos Creating Them, andB.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé Your Marketing Guide for Veterans & Military Service Members Entering Civilian Life.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Autora: Graciela Tiscareño-Sato es graduada de la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Completó el programa deEstudios Aeroespaciales como becaria del AFROTC (Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps) mientras obtenía su títuloen Arquitectura y Diseño Ambiental. Durante el tiempo de servicio en la Fuerza Aérea, fue asignada a cuatro continentesy docenas de países como miembro de la tripulación, instructora navegante y oficial de planificación de contingencia.Sus múltiples incursiones de combate sobre el sur de Irak, en su primera asignación a Arabia Saudita, le valieron a sutripulación la prestigiosa Medalla Aérea. Graciela se convirtió en la primera aviadora latina en la Fuerza Aérea de losEE.UU. en ganar esta distinción de aviación militar. Contacta a Graciela y lee su biografía militar completa enla pestaña de Creadores en CaptainMama.com.En 2014, la Casa Blanca honró a Graciela como Campeona del Cambio, Mujer Líder Veterana, por su trabajo comoempresaria social y autora, específicamente por crear esta serie de libros infantiles bilingües premiados, y una firmaeditorial educativa para elevar las expectativas de los adultos con relación a los jóvenes estudiantes latinos. Gracielaasesora activamente a estudiantes sobre sus planes de educación y carrera. Ella y su familia viven en el Área de la Bahíade San Francisco. Cuando no está presentando, escribiendo o esquiando, se encuentra cultivando en su jardín familiar, el cual fue creado durante la fase de confinamiento durante la pandemia global de COVID-19. Otros libros escritos porGraciela incluyen Buenas noches, Capitán Mamá; La sorpresa de Capitán Mamá; Latinnovating: Green American Jobs andthe Latinos Creating Them, y B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé Your Marketing Guide for Veterans & Military Service MembersEntering Civilian Life. Illustrator: Linda Lens first found her passion for art as a small child with her grandmother, Donna. She madeart her passion after experiencing her first thunderstorm. Finding her talent, she has never stopped drawing.From crayons to oil paints, Linda has played with it all. As a little girl, her mother would take her and her sisterto the library where they would check out too many children's books. The beautifulillustrations and colors always fascinated Linda. From early on, one of her dreamswas to become a children's book illustrator. Her love for capturing human expressionfollowed her throughout college. She earned a degree in Studio Art, specializing inportraiture, from California State University-East Bay.One of Linda's favorite quotes is from author Tom Robbins: "The purpose of art is toprovide what life does not."She lives somewhere near the ocean with her beautiful daughter Saila, dogs Merlynand Zero, and kitten extraordinaire, Juno. Her original art for the Captain Mama series is exhibited annually at theChildren's Book Illustrator Show at the Sun Gallery in Hayward, California. Contact Linda at CaptainMama.com.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ilustradora: Linda Lens encontró por primera vez su pasión por el arte cuando era niña, gracias a su abuela, Donna. El arte ha sido su pasión desde que pasó por su primera tormenta. Desde que encontró su talento, nuncaha dejado de dibujar. Desde lápices de colores hasta pintura al óleo, Linda ha jugado con todo. Cuando era niña, su madre la llevaba a ella y a su hermana a la biblioteca, donde sacaban muchos libros infantiles. Las hermosasilustraciones y los colores siempre le fascinaron a Linda. Desde el principio, uno de sus sueños fue convertirseen una ilustradora de literatura infantil. Su amor por capturar la expresión humana la siguió durante toda launiversidad. Se graduó de Studio Art, con especialidad en retratos, en la Universidad Estatal de California enHayward. Una de las citas favoritas de Linda es del autor Tom Robbins: "El propósito del arte es proporcionar loque la vida no te da".Linda vive cerca del océano, con su hermosa hija Saila, sus perros Merlyny Zero y el gatito extraordinario Juno. Sus ilustraciones para la serieCapitán Mamá pueden verse en la exposición anual de arte de ilustraciónde libros infantiles, en la Sun Gallery, en Hayward, California. Contactaa Linda a través de CaptainMama.com.


"Aviation, military service, family roles and a class field trip in an airplane - and not just any old airplane, an Air Force KC-135 refueling tanker - provide this delightful bilingual story with plenty of the excitement that goes along with a military aircrew's responsibility in the line of duty. Captain Mama shares her love of flying and being a mom by giving us a glimpse of her job through her son's eyes and his classmates' reactions. Graciela includes her son's original origami fighter jet project as an extra educational, hands-on way to bring this story to life. With all of the text in both Spanish and English, readers and story-listeners of all ages will enjoy learning new aeronautical words and experiencing the joy of flight in the third book in the bilingual Captain Mama series." - Lisa K Hauner, Oregon Trail Library District, Libros for Oregon
"The third book in this bilingual aviation series has Marco's class flying with Captain Mama and her crew; many of the students experience flying for the first time, refueling jets, and seeing all the responsibilities of a military refueling crew. For children who have never flown, the descriptions in the book gives them sights, sounds, and feelings when flying. This book is more than a STEM-related story of careers in aeronautics: text in Spanish and English, beautiful illustrations, women leaders, multi-ethnic representations in the students and crew, a glossary for highlighted words in the story, and extension activities and resources. Enjoy this wonderful classroom field trip adventure in the sky." - Karla Orosco, Science Teacher, Admiral Akers Elementary, Naval Air Station Lemoore, California
"I can't wait for my students, and readers across the globe, to experience Captain Mama's third story! Young and old alike are visually and mentally immersed as they live an inclusive story of service, curiosity and courage. Graciela's adventurous storytelling, Linda's rich, engaging illustrations and Kiyoshi's origami design activity all meld together to lead you on a lasting journey, with ideas that extend far beyond the end of the book." - Ziwa Hampshire, 4th grade teacher, USAF veteran, Lexington Elementary School, Los Gatos, California
"Con la lectura de este libro he sido capaz de convertirme en niña otra vez, y de liberar mi imaginación. He conocido el interior del avión tanquero, la tripulación, y he disfrutado del vuelo rumbo a Italia. Toda esta gran aventura ha sido posible gracias a Graciela y a su habilidad de trasladar al lector a través de su creatividad, que es la escritura y a Linda, a través de sus expresivos dibujos." - Marina Aguirresarobe Ganchegui, maestra de español TK DLI, Castro Valley USD
"Taking Flight with Captain Mama captures the details of an air refueling mission, bringing a creative and unique perspective for children to understand military aviation. Captain Mama shows a military flying career can be possible for anyone who dreams of the skies!" - Col Chris Kulas, USAF (retired) and KC-135 pilot
"Graciela's first two books are an interesting and informative build-up to this one - the third book in her series, where the real excitement begins with a military flight! Writing from the perspective of a young boy whose mother serves and flies on an unusual airplane, Graciela hits the high notes of military aviation in her unique style that is bilingual, inclusive, and inspirational. She succinctly captures the excitement of the aeri

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