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Proceedings of the XI ­International Congress of ­Egyptologists, Florence, ­Italy 23-30 August 2015
Archaeopress Egyptology
By M. Cristina Guidotti (Edited by), Gloria Rosati (Edited by)

Hardback, 1100 pages
United Kingdom, 30 September 2017

The eleventh International Congress of Egyptologists took place at the Florence Egyptian Museum (Museo Egizio Firenze), Italy from 23- 30 August 2015. The conference was organised by the International Association of Egyptologists (IAE), the Soprintendenza Archeologia della Toscana (Ministero dei Beni e delle Attivita Culturali e del Turismo), CAMNES (Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies), the University of Florence (SAGAS department), and with the support of the Istituto Lorenzo de' Medici. From animal mummies to Ancient Egyptian vocabulary to Imperial Cult Temples: of intriguing topics there was no shortage. The proceedings volume will present approximately 130 peer-reviewed papers alongside a selection of posters.

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Product Description

The eleventh International Congress of Egyptologists took place at the Florence Egyptian Museum (Museo Egizio Firenze), Italy from 23- 30 August 2015. The conference was organised by the International Association of Egyptologists (IAE), the Soprintendenza Archeologia della Toscana (Ministero dei Beni e delle Attivita Culturali e del Turismo), CAMNES (Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies), the University of Florence (SAGAS department), and with the support of the Istituto Lorenzo de' Medici. From animal mummies to Ancient Egyptian vocabulary to Imperial Cult Temples: of intriguing topics there was no shortage. The proceedings volume will present approximately 130 peer-reviewed papers alongside a selection of posters.

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Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white
28.2 x 21.1 x 4.3 centimeters (2.84 kg)

Table of Contents

Preface – Volume Editors ;

Papers ;
Development of Old Kingdom pottery: three cases studies (‘Cemetery of the Workers’, Heit el-Ghurab and the Khentkawes Town) – Sherif M. Abdelmoniem ;
Of Min and moon – cosmological concepts in the Temple of Athribis (Upper Egypt) – Victoria Altmann-Wendling ;
Les relations entre l’horloge stellaire diagonale et le corpus des Textes des Sarcophages Les relations entre l’horloge stellaire diagonale et le corpus des Textes des Sarcophages dans le sarcophage intérieur de Mésehti : le temps et les décans – Bernard Arquier ;
The Qubbet el-Hawa casting moulds – Late Period bronze working at the First Cataract – Johannes Auenmüller ;
Overlapping and contradictory narratives in Ancient Egyptian visual programs – Jennifer Miyuki Babcock ;
Sāmānu as a human disease in Mesopotamia and Egypt – Susanne Beck ;
The pyramid as a journey – cultic encounters between father and son in the Pyramid of Pepy I – Nils Billing ;
The Ancient Egyptian dialects in light of the Greek transcriptions of Egyptian anthroponyms – Ana Isabel Blasco Torres ;
Dalla sabbia alla teca: esempi di interventi conservativi eseguiti su alcuni papiri del Museo Egizio di Firenze – Paola Boffula Alimeni ;
New evidence on the king’s son Intefmose from Dra Abu el-Naga: a preliminary report – Francisco L. Borrego Gallardo ;
The Merenptah Sarcophagi restoration project – Edwin C. Brock and Lyla Pinch Brock ;
Egyptian names and networks in Trismegistos (800 BC – AD 800) – Yanne Broux ;
The Ptolemaic dedication of Archepolis in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina: materiality and text – Patricia A. Butz ;
Bernard V. Bothmer and Ptolemaic sculpture: papers on Ptolemaic art from his archives held at the Università degli Studi di Milano – Giorgia Cafici ;
The Tell el-Maskhuta Project – Giuseppina Capriotti Vittozzi and Andrea Angelini ;
Silence in the Tale of the Eloquent Peasant: themes and problems – Ilaria Cariddi ;
Progetto Butehamon. Prospettive e ricerche nella necropoli tebana – Giacomo Cavillier ;
Notes on the inscribed Old and Middle Kingdom coffins in the Egyptian Turin Museum – Emanuele M. Ciampini ;
Rethinking Egyptian animal worship (c. 3000 BC – c. 300 AD): towards a historical-religious perspective – Angelo Colonna ;
Before and after the Temple: the long-lived necropolis in the area of the Temple of Millions of Years of Amenhotep II – Western Thebes – Anna Consonni, Tommaso Quirino and Angelo Sesana ;
Papyri with the Ritual of the Opening of the Mouth in the Egyptian Museum in Turin – Federico Contardi ;
Notes for a building history of the temple of Ramesses II at Antinoe. The architectural investigation – Michele Coppola ;
Nouvelle lecture d’une scène de la théogamie d’Hatshepsout – Alice Coyette ;
Worship and places of worship in the Greco-Roman town at Marina El-Alamein – Grażyna Bąkowska-Czerner and Rafał Czerner ;
Middle Kingdom coffin of Khnum from the National Museum of Warsaw – Dorota Czerwik ;
Non-destructive analysis on 11 Egyptian blue faience tiles from the 2nd and 3rd Dynasties – Joseph Davidovits and Frédéric Davidovits ;
Scenes from the Amduat on the funerary coffins and sarcophagi of the 21st Dynasty – Cássio de Araújo Duarte ;
Votive pottery deposits found by the Spanish Mission at Dra Abu el-Naga – Elena de Gregorio ;
The building activity of Pinudjem I at Thebes – Gabriella Dembitz ;
The ‘Book of Going Forth by Day’ in the funerary chamber of Djehuty (TT 11): past, present, and future – Lucía Díaz-Iglesias Llanos ;
The pre-Egyptological concept of Egypt as a challenge for Egyptology and the efforts to establish a research community – Florian Ebeling ;
The Gebelein Archaeological Project, 2013–2016 – Wojciech Ejsmond ;
Trois nouvelles harpes découvertes à Thèbes ouest Quel apport pour l’égyptologie ? – Sibylle Emerit ;
The ‘pantheistic’ deities. Report from research on iconography and role of polymorphic deities – Grzegorz First ;
Études sur le cadre de vie d’une association religieuse dans l’Égypte gréco-romaine : l’exemple de Touna el-Gebel – Mélanie C. Flossmann-Schütze ;
Forme di imitazione egizia nella decorazione architettonica di Nea Paphos – Leonardo Fuduli ;
Ahmose-Sapair in Dra Abu el-Naga: old and new evidence – José M. Galán ;
The Moon god Iah in ancient Egyptian religion – Gudelia García-Fernández ;
Expression of loyalty to the king – A socio-cultural analysis of basilophoric personal names dating to the Old and Middle Kingdoms – Christina Geisen ;
Love and Gold in Cross-Cultural Discourse in the Amarna Letters – Graciela Gestoso Singer ;
Some unpublished inscriptions from Quarry P at Hatnub – Yannis Gourdon and Roland Enmarch ;
Names of eye parts in different text genres: a contribution to technical language in ancient Egypt – Nadine Gräßler ;
The transformation of Theban Tomb 39 (TT39). A contribution from a conservation viewpoint in terms of its history after dynastic occupation – Dulce María Grimaldi and Patricia Meehan ;
The complete corpus of viticulture and winemaking scenes from the ancient Egyptian private tombs – Maria Rosa Guasch-Jané, Sofia Fonseca and Mahmoud Ibrahim ;
Des étoiles et des hommes : peurs, désirs, offrandes et prières – Nadine Guilhou ;
Cracking a code: deciphering the marks of the royal necropolis workmen of the New Kingdom – Ben Haring ;
The Egyptian Dionysus: Osiris and the development of theater in Ancient Egypt – Allison Hedges ;
The Abydos Dynasty: an osteoarchaeological examination of human remains from the SIP royal cemetery – Jane A. Hill, Maria A. Rosado and Joseph Wegner ;
You up – I down: orientational metaphors concerning ancient Egyptian Kingship in royal iconography and inscriptions – Shih-Wei Hsu ;
Image processing. Elaboration and manipulation of the human figure in the Pyramid Texts – Francesca Iannarilli ;
Hieroglyphic inscriptions on precious objects: some notes on the correlation between text and support – Agnese Iob ;
Predynastic precursors to the Festival of Drunkenness: beer, climate change, cow-goddesses, and the ideology of kingship – Victoria Jensen ;
Crowdsourcing in Egyptology – images and annotations of Middle Kingdom private tombs – Peter Kalchgruber and Lubica Hudáková ;
3D-Reconstructions of Late Roman fortresses in Egypt – Christina Karlshausen and Thierry De Putter ;
‘To build a temple in the beautiful white stone of Anu’. The use of Tura limestone in Theban architecture – Christina Karlshausen and Thierry De Putter ;
The motif of the kiosk during the first half of the 18th dynasty – Edyta Kopp ;
A heritage in peril: the threat to Egypt’s urban archaeological sites – Peter Lacovara ;
Le sḏm.f circonstanciel. Une forme verbale rare en néo-égyptien littéraire – Vincent Pierre-Michel Laisney ;
Amduat type papyri in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow – Nika Lavrentyeva ;
Carving out identities in the Egyptian desert: self-presentation styles adopted by the ancient travelers of Kharga Oasis – Nikolaos Lazaridis ;
Ya-t-il une « fabrique d’albâtre » et un atelier de tissage au Ramesseum? – Guy Lecuyot ;
Deux nouvelles ‘Recommandations aux prêtresʼ datées de Ptolémée X Alexandre Ier – Nicolas Leroux ;
Scenes representing temple rituals on some 21st Dynasty coffins – Éva Liptay ;
Building B, a domestic construction at Tell el-Ghaba, North Sinai – Silvia Lupo, Eduardo Crivelli Montero, Claudia Kohen and Eva Calomino ;
The Montecelio Obelisk in Rome – Lise Manniche ;
The role of e-learning in Egyptology: ‘Hieroglyphs: Step-by-Step’ website as a case study – Ahmed Mansour and Azza Ezzat ;
The function and importance of some special categories of stars in the Ancient Egyptian funerary texts, 1: AxAx- and iAd-stars – Alicia Maravelia ;
Chapel of the tomb belonging to Amenhotep III’s Vizier, Amenhotep Huy. Asasif Tomb No. 28, Luxor-West Bank. Excavation results: ‘Vizier Amenhotep Huy Project’ (2009–2014) – Francisco J. Martín-Valentín and Teresa Bedman ;
Objets découverts dans des tombes Thébaines situées sous le Temple de Millions d’Années de Thoutmosis III à l’ouest de Louxor – Javier Martínez Babón ;
Fish offerings found in Area 32 of the archaeological site of Oxyrhynchus (El-Bahnasa, Egypt) – Maite Mascort Roca and Esther Pons Mellado ;
The Akh-menu of Thutmosis III at Karnak. The Sokarian Rooms – Julie Masquelier-Loorius ;
The 13th Dynasty at Abydos: a royal tomb and its context – Dawn McCormack ;
The transmission of the Book of the Twelve Caverns – Daniel M. Méndez Rodríguez ;
A new reading of Problem No. 53 in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. The limits of proportionality – Marianne Michel ;
The ang-morphs in Coptic and their grammaticalization in Later Egyptian – So Miyagawa ;
‘Augmented Reality’ technology and the dissemination of historical graffiti in the Temple of Debod – Miguel Ángel Molinero Polo, Alfonso Martín Flores, Jorge Martín Gutiérrez, Cristóbal Ruiz Medina, Lucía Díaz-Iglesias Llanos, Fernando Guerra-Librero Fernández, Daniel Miguel Méndez Rodríguez, Luis Navarrete Ruiz, Manuel Rivas Fernández and Ovidia Soto Martín ;
The Min Project. First working seasons on the unpublished Tomb of Min (TT109) and Tomb Kampp -327-: the Tomb of May and a replica of the Tomb of Osiris – Irene Morfini and Milagros Álvarez Sosa ;
Figurative vase painting from the First Intermediate Period through to the Fatimid Dynasty: a continuity? – Maya Müller ;
Basic considerations on the construction of pyramids in the Old Kingdom – Frank Müller-Römer ;
Die Verwendung von Münzen in pharaonischer Zeit – Renate Müller-Wollermann ;
In the footsteps of Ricardo Caminos: rediscovering the ‘Speos of Gebel el Silsila’ – Maria Nilsson and Philippe Martinez ;
The folding cubit rod of Kha in Museo Egizio di Torino, S.8391 – Naoko Nishimoto ;
The mystery of the ‘high place’ from the Abbott Papyrus revealed? The results of the works of the Polish Cliff Mission at Deir el-Bahari 1999–2014 – Andrzej Niwiński ;
The mummies of the ‘Three Sisters’ in the Museo Egizio: a case study. Conservation and studies of textiles and bandages – Cinzia Oliva and Matilde Borla ;
Technical aspects of faience from Hierakonpolis, Egypt – a preliminary report – Marina Panagiotaki, Elizabeth Walters, Yannis Maniatis and Anna Tsoupra ;
Horus Seneferou ka-s quand le dernier souverain de la Ire dynastie devint la première femme pharaon de l’Histoire à porter un nom d’Horus – Jean-Pierre Pätznick ;
The Herakleopolis Magna Project: seasons 2012–2015 – M. Carmen Pérez-Die ;
The Stelae Ridge cairns: a reassessment of the archaeological evidence – Hannah Pethen ;
The Italian-Egyptian Mission at the Monastery of Abba Nefer at Manqabad: results of the first four seasons’ work – Rosanna Pirelli, Ilaria Incordino, Paola Buzi and Anna Salsano ;
Wedjat-eyes as a dating criterion for false doors and stelae to the early Middle Kingdom – Melanie Pitkin ;
La collection égyptienne du Musée Sandelin à Saint-Omer (France) – Jean-Louis Podvin ;
Some remarks on the Egyptian reception of foreign military technology during the 18th Dynasty: a brief survey of the armour – Alberto Maria Pollastrini ;
Medical re-enactments: Ancient Egyptian prescriptions from an Emic viewpoint – Tanja Pommerening ;
Textual layers in Coffin Texts Spells 154–160 – Gyula Priskin ;
The cat mummies of the Società Africana d’Italia: an archaeological, cultural and religious perspective – Maria Diletta Pubblico ;
Khnum the Creator: a puzzling case of the transfer of an iconographic motif – Maarten J. Raven ;
Temple ranks in the Fayyum during the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods: documentary sources and archaeological data – Ilaria Rossetti ;
Le musee de Mallawi : etat des lieux apres les destructions et projets pour l’avenir – Ashraf Alexandre Sadek ;
A new light on Coptic afterlife (O.4550 from the Coptic Museum in Cairo) – Hind Salah El-Din Somida Awad ;
The lost chapels of Elephantine. Preliminary results of a reconstruction study through archival documents – Daniele Salvoldi and Simon Delvaux ;
Doors to the past. Rediscovering fragments in the new blockyard at Medinet Habu – Julia Schmied ;
Les dépôts de fondation de la Vallée des Rois : nouvelles perspectives de recherche sur l’histoire de la nécropole royale du Nouvel Empire – François C. A. Schmitt ;
Economic mentalities and Ancient Egyptian legal documents – Alexander Schütze ;
Excavations in the ‘Temple of Millions of Years’ of Thutmosis III – Myriam Seco Álvarez ;
Rituels funéraires au temps de Hatchepsout : le sanctuaire de la tombe de Djehouty et ses parallèles – José M. Serrano ;
The so-called Book of Two Ways on a Middle Kingdom religious leather roll – Wael Sherbiny ;
Ibyc. PMGF 287 and Ancient Egyptian love songs – Anna Sofia ;
The Physiologus in Egypt – Marco Stroppa ;
A survey of astronomical tables on Middle Kingdom coffin lids – Sarah L. Symons ;
Blue painted pottery from a mid-18th Dynasty royal mud-brick structure in northwest Saqqara – Kazumitsu Takahashi ;
Studies on BD 17 vignettes: iconographic typology of Rw.tj-scene (New Kingdom – Third Intermediate Period) – Mykola Tarasenko ;
Were components of Amarna composite statues made in separate workshops? – Kristin Thompson ;
Research on Old Kingdom ‘dissimilation graphique’. World-view and categorization – Simon Thuault ;
La funzione del tempio tolemaico di Deir el-Medina alla luce dell’archeologia – Claudia Tirel Cena ;
The ‘geography’ of the hierogrammateis: the religious topography of the Western Harpoon (7th Nome of Lower Egypt) – Elena Tiribilli ;
The Ancient Egyptian shabtis discovered in the regions of Roman Illyricum (Dalmatia, Pannonia) and Istria: provenance, collections, typological study and dating – Mladen Tomorad ;
From Egypt to the Holy Land: first issues on the Egyptian collection in the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Jerusalem – Benedetta Torrini ;
Tradition and innovation within the decoration program of the temple of Ramesses II at Gerf Hussein – Martina Ullmann ;
The Egyptian Execration Statuettes (EES) Project – Athena Van der Perre ;
A new long-term digital project on Hieratic and cursive hieroglyphs – Ursula Verhoeven and Svenja A. Gülden ;
Hierakonpolis Faience, 2005–2013, with context and accompanying finds – a quest for chronology and possible use – Elizabeth J. Walters, Amr El Gohary, Shelton S. Alexander, Richard R. Parizek, David P. Gold, Recep Cakir, Marina Panagiotaki, Yannis Maniatis and Anna Tsoupra ;
Elhe Berlin Plans from the New Kingdom Period – Yoshifumi Yasuoka ;
The career of Nakhtmin (TT 87) as revealed by his funerary cones – Kento Zenihiro ;
Object biographies and political expectations: Egyptian artefacts, Welsh Heritage and the regional community museum – Katharina Zinn ;
Who am I - and if so, how many? Some remarks on the ‘j-augment’ and language change – Monika Zöller-Engelhardt ;
Poster presentations ;
Vocabulaire de l’Égyptien Ancien (VÉgA) Plateforme numérique de recherche lexicographique – A. Almásy, Ch. Cassier, J. Chun-Hung-Kee, F. Contardi, M. Massiera, A. Nespoulous-Phalippou, Fr. Rouffet ;
South African collections – Izak Cornelius, Salima Ikram, Ruhan Slabbert, Liani C. Swanepoel, Frank Teichert and Tiffany van Zyl ;
Pottery from the Early Roman rubbish dumps in Berenike harbour – Agnieszka Dzwonek ;
A sequence of five 13th Dynasty structures at Memphis – Rabee Eissa ;
Funerary culture of the Memphite region during the Early Dynastic Period – Barbora Janulíková ;
The Roman Imperial cult temple at Luxor: its architecture and possible connection between Roman and Egyptian cultures – Irina Kulikova and Dmitry Karelin ;
One of the earliest discovered houses at Memphis – Hanan Mahmoud Mohamed ;
Étude Pluridisciplinaire De Têtes De Momies (Lyon) – Annie Perraud, Matthieu Ménager, Pascale Richardin and Catherine Vieillescazes ;
Progetto Osiris: valorizzazione delle piccole collezioni egizie – Massimiliana Pozzi Battaglia e Federica Scatena ;
Study and restoration of two mummies from the Moulins Museum – Noëlle Timbart ;

List of papers presented at ICE XI – M. Franci

About the Author

Gloria Rosati is Associate Professor of Egyptology at the University of Florence, Department of History, Geography, Archaeology, Fine and Performing Arts. Her research topics are Middle Kingdom history and art, as well as funerary texts and rituals. Gloria has been working in Egypt, at El-Sheikh Abadah / Antinoupolis, in both Roman town and at necropoleis, in the temple of Ramesses II, and in the Theban necropolis, Asasif. Maria Cristina Guidotti is the Director of the Florence Egyptian Museum, and is a specialist in Egyptian pottery from the Pharaonic and Graeco-Roman periods. In her publications she studied material from the Florence collections, from excavations at Saqqara, from the funerary temple of Thutmosis IV-western Thebes, and from the Roman town of Antinoupolis.

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