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Post-Christian Feminisms
A Critical Approach

Hardback, 254 pages
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Paperback : $71.50

United Kingdom, 1 May 2008

This book explores the impact and contribution of post-theories in the field of Christian feminist theology. Post-theory is an important and cutting-edge discursive field which has revolutionized the production of knowledge in both feminism and theology. This book fills a gap by providing a text that can make authoritative statements on the use and status of post-theory in feminist theology, and secondly it makes an on-going contribution to the discourse of Christian feminist theology and its liberation agenda. Distinguished and established scholars contribute conclusive essays on the most recent and exciting developments in post-theory, feminism and theology.

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Product Description

This book explores the impact and contribution of post-theories in the field of Christian feminist theology. Post-theory is an important and cutting-edge discursive field which has revolutionized the production of knowledge in both feminism and theology. This book fills a gap by providing a text that can make authoritative statements on the use and status of post-theory in feminist theology, and secondly it makes an on-going contribution to the discourse of Christian feminist theology and its liberation agenda. Distinguished and established scholars contribute conclusive essays on the most recent and exciting developments in post-theory, feminism and theology.

Product Details
23.4 x 15.6 x 1.6 centimeters (0.45 kg)

Table of Contents

Introduction, Lisa Isherwood, Kathleen McPhillips; Chapter 1 Beyond Reason: Towards a Post-Christian Philosophy of Religion, Beverley Clack; Chapter 2 The ‘Post-’ Age of Belief: Wither or Whither Christianity?, Pamela Sue Anderson; Chapter 3 Ecofeminist Thea/logies and Ethics: A Post-Christian Movement?, Rosemary Radford Ruether; Chapter 4 Material Elements: The Matter of Women, The Matter of Earth, The Matter of God, Anne Elvey; Chapter 5 Who’s Been Reading MY Bible? Post-structuralist Hermeneutics and Sacred Text, Janet Wootton; Chapter 6 Post-Christian Hermeneutics: The Rise and Fall of Female Subjectivity in Theological Narrative, J’annine Jobling; Chapter 7 The Bi/girl Writings: From Feminist Theology to Queer Theologies, Marcella Althaus-Reid; Chapter 8 Our Lady of Perpetual Succour: Mother of Phallic Fetishes?, Queering the Queen of Heaven, Lisa Isherwood; Chapter 9 De-colonizing the Sacred: Feminist Proposals for a Post-Christian,Post-Patriarchal Sacred, Kathleen McPhillips; Chapter 10 Melting Hearts of Stone, Mary T. Condren; Chapter 11 A Third Way: Explicating the Post in Post-Christian Feminism, Frances Gray, Kathleen McPhillips; Chapter 12 Re-Membering Jesus: A Post-colonial Feminist Remembering, Satoko Yamaguchi; Chapter 13 Jesus Past the Posts: An Enquiry into Post-metaphysical Christology, Lisa Isherwood; Chapter 14 The Return of the Living Dead, Elizabeth Stuart;

About the Author

Lisa Isherwood is Professor of Feminist Liberation Theologies and Director of Theology, University of Winchester, UK. Kathleen McPhillips is Senior Lecturer in the School of Humanities and the Languages, University of Western Sydney, Australia Lisa Isherwood, Kathleen McPhillips, Beverley Clack, Pamela Sue Anderson, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Anne Elvey, Jane Wootton, J'annine Jobling, Marcella Althaus-Reid, Mary T. Condren, Frances Gray Satoko Yamaguchi, Elisabeth Stuart.


’Overall, the book is testament to the vibrancy of feminist theology, in being continuous with earlier writings, while demonstrating surefootedness in negotiation of the very different academic and political terrain of the early twenty-first century. The book is useful in making soundings into contemporary feminist theologies, which range from scholarly interventions in a wider discourse to impassioned expression of quintessential feminist consciousness.’ Theological Book Review

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