Neurosurgery is a rapidly developing and technically demanding branch of surgery that requires a detailed knowledge of the basic neuro-sciences and a thorough clinical approach. The Oxford Textbook of Neurological Surgery is an up-to-date, objective and readable text that covers the full scope of neurosurgical practice. It is part of the Oxford Textbooks in Surgery series, edited by Professor Sir Peter Morris.The book is split into 20
overarching sections (Principles of Neurosurgery, Neuro-oncology of Intrinsic Tumours; Extra-axial Tumours and Skull Lesions; Cerebro-Pontine Angle Tumours; Sellar and Supra-Sellar Tumours; Posterior Fossa
Tumours; Pineal tumours; Uncommon Tumours and Tumour Syndromes; Neurotrauma and Intensive Care; Vascular Neurosurgery; Principles of Spinal Surgery; Spinal Pathology; Spinal Trauma; Peripheral Nerve Surgery; Functional Neurosurgery; Epilepsy; Paediatric Neurosurgery; Neurosurgery for Cerebrospinal Fluid Disorders and Neurosurgical Infection). Each section takes a dual approach with, 'Generic Surgical Management' chapters that focus on specific clinical problems facing the
neurosurgeon (e.g. sellar/supra-sellar tumour, Intradural Spina Tumours etc.) and 'Pathology-Specific' chapters (e.g. Glioma, Meningeal Tumours, Scoliosis and Spinal Deformity, Aneurysm etc.). Where
appropriate, this division provides the reader with easily accessible information for both clinical problems which present in a regional fashion and specific pathologies. The generic chapters cover aspects such as operative approaches, neuroanatomy and nuances. Specifically each chapter in the book incorporates several strands. Firstly the fundamental neuroscience (anatomy, pathology, genetics etc.) that underlies the clinical practice. Secondly, a review of the requisite
clinical investigations (e.g. angiography, electrodiagnostics, radiology). Thirdly, a thorough evidence based review of clinical practice. Following this a consideration of the key debates and
controversies in the field with 'pro-' and 'con-' sections (e.g. minimally invasive spine surgery, microsurgical treatment of aneurysms) is provided. A summary of the key papers and clinical scales relevant to neurosurgery form the concluding part.The book is a 'one-stop' text for trainees and consultants in neurosurgery, residents, those preparing for sub-specialty exams and other professionals allied to surgery who need to gain an understanding of the field. It acts as
both a point of reference to provide a focussed refresher for the experienced neurosurgeon as well as a trusted training resource.
Neurosurgery is a rapidly developing and technically demanding branch of surgery that requires a detailed knowledge of the basic neuro-sciences and a thorough clinical approach. The Oxford Textbook of Neurological Surgery is an up-to-date, objective and readable text that covers the full scope of neurosurgical practice. It is part of the Oxford Textbooks in Surgery series, edited by Professor Sir Peter Morris.The book is split into 20
overarching sections (Principles of Neurosurgery, Neuro-oncology of Intrinsic Tumours; Extra-axial Tumours and Skull Lesions; Cerebro-Pontine Angle Tumours; Sellar and Supra-Sellar Tumours; Posterior Fossa
Tumours; Pineal tumours; Uncommon Tumours and Tumour Syndromes; Neurotrauma and Intensive Care; Vascular Neurosurgery; Principles of Spinal Surgery; Spinal Pathology; Spinal Trauma; Peripheral Nerve Surgery; Functional Neurosurgery; Epilepsy; Paediatric Neurosurgery; Neurosurgery for Cerebrospinal Fluid Disorders and Neurosurgical Infection). Each section takes a dual approach with, 'Generic Surgical Management' chapters that focus on specific clinical problems facing the
neurosurgeon (e.g. sellar/supra-sellar tumour, Intradural Spina Tumours etc.) and 'Pathology-Specific' chapters (e.g. Glioma, Meningeal Tumours, Scoliosis and Spinal Deformity, Aneurysm etc.). Where
appropriate, this division provides the reader with easily accessible information for both clinical problems which present in a regional fashion and specific pathologies. The generic chapters cover aspects such as operative approaches, neuroanatomy and nuances. Specifically each chapter in the book incorporates several strands. Firstly the fundamental neuroscience (anatomy, pathology, genetics etc.) that underlies the clinical practice. Secondly, a review of the requisite
clinical investigations (e.g. angiography, electrodiagnostics, radiology). Thirdly, a thorough evidence based review of clinical practice. Following this a consideration of the key debates and
controversies in the field with 'pro-' and 'con-' sections (e.g. minimally invasive spine surgery, microsurgical treatment of aneurysms) is provided. A summary of the key papers and clinical scales relevant to neurosurgery form the concluding part.The book is a 'one-stop' text for trainees and consultants in neurosurgery, residents, those preparing for sub-specialty exams and other professionals allied to surgery who need to gain an understanding of the field. It acts as
both a point of reference to provide a focussed refresher for the experienced neurosurgeon as well as a trusted training resource.
Section 1: Principles of Neurological Surgery
1: Henry Marsh and Eleni Marts: The History of Neurosurgery
2: Peter Bodkin and Elizabeth Visser: Clinical Assessment
3: Tomasz Matys, Daniel. J. Scoffings, and Tilak Das: Overview of
4: Neil Kitchen and Jonathan Shapey: Operating Theatre
5: Derek Duane, Alessandro Scudellari, Karol P Budohoski, and
Sylvia Karcheva: Perioperative Care of the Neurosurgical
Section 2: Tumours and Skull Base - Intrinsic Tumour
6: Hugues Duffau, Lorenzo Bello, and Thomas Santarius: Low Grade
7: Stephen Price, Harry Bulstrode, and Richard Mair: High Grade
Gliomas and Molecular Biology of Neurosurgical Oncology
8: Andrew Brodbelt and Rashed Zakaria: Intracranial Metastasis
9: Boon Leong and Thangaraj Munusamy: Primary Central Nervous
System Lymphoma
10: Matthias Simon and Alexander Grote: Glioneuronal and other
epilepsy-associated tumours
11: Susan Short: Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery for Brain
12: Nicholas Brown, Daniel Krell, and Paul Mulholland: Chemotherapy
for Brain Tumours
13: Mitchel Berger and Shawn Hervey-Jumper: Surgical Techniques in
the Management of Intrinsic Tumours
Section 3: Tumours and Skull Base - Extra-axial and Skull
14: Michael McDermott, Thomas Santarius, Harjus Birk, Seunggu J.
Han, and Ramez Kirollos: Meningiomas & Haemangiopericytoma
15: Ossama Al-Mefty and Rami O. Almefty: Chordomas and
Chondrosarcomas of the skull base
16: Andrew McEvoy: Dermoid and Epidermoid Cysts
17: Fred Gentili, Lior Gonen, and Georgios Klironomos:
18: Benedict Panizza and Adel Helmy: Malignant Skull Base
19: Paul Gardner, Joseph D. Chabot, and S. Tonya Stefko: Surgical
Management of Tumours of the Orbit
20: Ivan Tmofeev and Giorgio Gioffre: Skull Lesions
21: Michael Cusimano and Michael P. Meier: Surgical Management of
Anterolateral Skull Base Lesions
Section 4: Tumours and Skull Base - CP Angle
22: Tiit Mathiesen and Petter Förander: Schwannomas
23: Andrew King and Omar Pathmanaban: Glomus Tumours
24: Andrew Kaye, Nicholas Hall, and Yuval Sufaro: Surgical
management of cerebellopontine angle and petrous lesions
Section 5: Tumours and Skull Base - Sellar and Supra Sellar
25: Kanna Gnanalingham, Zsolt Zador, Tara Kearney, Federico
Roncaroli, and H Rao Gattamaneni: Pituitary Tumours
26: Rudolf Fahlbusch, V. Gerganov, and H. Metwali:
Craniopharyngioma and Rathke's Cleft cysts
27: William Couldwell and Jayson A. Neil: Surgical Management of
Sellar and Suprasellar Tumours
Section 6: Tumours and Skull Base - Posterior Fossa
28: James Rutka: Medulloblastoma
29: Christopher Chandler: Ependymoma
30: Donald McArthur and Ammar Natalwala: Haemangioblastoma
31: Jacques Morcos, Osaama Khan, and Ashish Shah: Surgical
Approaches to Posterior Fossa Tumours
Section 7: Tumours and Skull Base - Intraventricular
32: Paul Grundy and Vasileios Apostolopoulos: Intraventricular
33: Paul Chumas and Asim Sheikh: Colloid Cyst
34: Shlomi Constantini, Jonathan Roth, and Rina Dvir: Choroid
Plexus tumours
35: Guilherme Ribas, Eduardo Ribas, and Ramez W Kirollos: Surgical
Management of Intraventricular Lesions
Section 8: Tumours and Skull Base - Pineal
36: Michael Jenkinson, Mueez Waqar, Samantha Mills, and Conor L
Mallucci: Pineal Tumours
37: Nicolas de Tribolet, Christoph M Woernle, and René Bernays:
Surgical management of pineal region lesions
Section 9: Tumours and Skull Base - Tumour Syndromes
38: Timothy Jones, Fay Greenway, and Frances Elmslie:
39: Thomas Santarius, Hani Marcus, and Yizhou Wan: Uncommon Brain
Section 10: Neurotrauma and Intensive Care
40: Nabeel Alshafai and Andrew Maas: Epidemiology of head injury
and outcome after head injury
41: Geoffrey Manley, John K. Yue, Hansen Deng, Ethan A. Winkler,
John F. Burke, and Catherine Suen: Pathophysiology of Traumatic
Brain Injury
42: Martin Smith and Matthew A. Kirkman: Intensive Care Management
of Head Injury
43: Randall Chesnut, Hadie Adams, Angelos Kolias, Peter Hutchinson,
and Adel Helmy: Surgical Management of Head Injury
44: Antonio Belli, Fardad T. Afshari, and Peter C Whitfield:
Complications of head injury
45: Mark Wilson: Concussion and Sports Related Head Injury
Section 11: Vascular Neurosurgery
46: Diederik O. Bulters and Andrew Durnford: Normal Cerebrovascular
Physiology and Vascular Anatomy
47: Neal Kassell, Giuseppe Lanzino, and Federico Cagnazzo: The
Pathophysiology of Aneurysms
48: Jason McMillen: The Pathophysiology of Subarachnoid
49: Michael Lawton and Roberto Rodriguez: Management of
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
50: Michael Morgan: Arteriovenous Malformation and Dural
Arteriovenous Fistulae
51: Mohsen Javadpour, Kieron Sweeney, and A. O'Hare: Carotid Artery
Disease and Cerebral Ischaemia
52: Peter Kirkpatrick and Mathew Guilfoyle:
Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass for Cerebral Ischaemia
53: Mario Teo, Michael Lawton, and Omar Choudhri: Giant Aneurysms
and Bypass Surgery
54: Andreas W. Unterberg and Berk Orakcioglu: Spontaneous
Intracranial Haematoma
55: Hiren Patel and Janneke van Beijnum: Cavernoma and
angiographically occult lesions
Section 12: Spinal Surgery - Principles
56: Simon Thomson, Chris Derham, and Senthil Selvanathan: Surgical
Principles in spinal surgery
57: Peter Loughenbury and Richard M Hall: Spinal stability
58: Sadaquate Khan, Kevin Tsang, and Lamia Nayeb: Spinal
59: Chris McGuigan, Karen O'Connell, Eavan McGovern, and Iain
McGurgan: Medical pathologies of the spinal cord
Section 13: Spinal Surgery
60: Navin Furtado, Georgios Tsermoulas, and Adikarige Haritha
Dulanka Silva: Cervical Spinal Disease
61: Ciaran Bolger, Kieron Sweeney, and Catherine Moran: Thoracic
Spinal Disease
62: Matt Crocker and Chris Kellett: Lumbar Spinal Disease
63: John Brecknell and Quah Boon Leong: Spinal Tumours
64: Daniel Walsh: Vascular Lesions of the Spinal Cord
65: Graham Flint: Spinal cerebrospinal fluid dynamics
66: Peter Milner and Nigel Gummerson: Scoliosis and Spinal
Section 14: Spinal Trauma
67: Edward Benzel, Bryan Lee, and Saksith Smithason: Managing
Spinal Cord Trauma
68: Calan Mathieson, Chris Barrett, and Likhith Alakandy: Cervical
Spine Injuries
69: Bedansh Roy Chaudhary: Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Injuries
70: Fahim Anwar, Wail Ahmed, Tamara Tajsic, Damiano G. Barone, and
Harry Mee: Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Section 15: Peripheral Nerve Surgery
71: Alan Forster and Robert Morris: Elecrodiagnostics
72: Grainne Bourke: Entrapment Syndromes
73: Jonathan Perera and Marco Sinisi: Supraclavicular Brachial
Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injuries
74: Ricin Trivedi and Vincent Nga: Peripheral Nerve Tumours
Section 16: Functional Neurosurgery
75: Alex Green, Tipu Aziz, and Erlick Pereira: Principles of Deep
Brain Stimulation
76: Keyoumars Ashkan and Ismail Ughratdar: Movement Disorders
77: John Goodden, Catherine Hernon, and Brian Scott: Spasticity
78: Richard Mannion and Rokas Tamosauskas: Pain pathophysiology and
surgical management
79: Marc Sindou and George Georgoulis: Cranial Nerve Vascular
Compression Syndromes
80: Bart Nuttin, Loes Gabriels, and Chris Bervoets: Neurosurgical
interventions for psychiatric disorders
Section 17: Epilepsy
81: Richard Selway: Diagnosis and Assessment
82: Andrew McEvoy, Tim Wehner, and Victoria Wykes: Classification
of Seizures and Epilepsy
83: Johannes Schramm: Surgical Management of Epilepsy
Section 18: Paediatrics
84: Colin Ferrie and Daniel Warren: Developmental Disorders of the
85: Dominic Thompson: Spinal development and spinal dysraphism
86: Federico Di Rocco, Pierre-Aurelien Beuriat, and Eric Arnaud:
Craniofaciosynostosis : syndromic and non-syndromic craniofacial
87: Andrew Kay, Desiderio Rodrigues, Melanie Sharp, and Guirish
Solanki: Special Considerations in Paediatric Head and Spinal
88: Shlomi Constantini and Jonathan Roth: Paediatric Brain
89: Conor Malucci, Matt Bailey, and Chris Parks: Paediatric
90: Atul Tyagi, Helen McCullagh, Tony Goddard, and Tufail Patankar:
Paediatric neurovascular disorders
91: Martin Tisdall and Sophia Varadkar: Paediatric Epilepsy
Section 19: CSF Disorders
92: Harold Rekate and Alexander Gamble: Hydrocephalus and Normal
CSF Dynamics
93: Ian K. Pople and William Singleton: Shunt Technology and
Endoscopic Ventricular Surgery
94: Nicole Keong: Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
95: John D. Pickard and Nicholas Higgins: Pseudotumour cerebri
96: Stana Bojanic and Ruichong Ma: Arachnoid Cysts
Section 20: Infection
97: Walter Hall: Microbiology
98: Eugene Yang, Thangaraj Munusamy, and Boon Hoe Tan: Cranial
99: Nicholas Haden and Edward White: Spinal infection
Ramez Kirollos is a Consultant Neurosurgeon, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK. Adel Helmy is a University Lecturer in Neurosurgery at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK. Simon Thomson is a Consultant Neurosurgeon at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds, UK. Peter Hutchinson is a Professor of Neurosurgery at University of Cambridge, UK.
With more than 1000 pages, figures, and tables, this textbook
constitutes an exhaustive neurosurgical resource that will serve as
a valuable tool for neurological surgery residents, junior
neurosurgeons, and experienced neurosurgeons.
*Rabih Bou-Nassif, MDEtienne Lefevre, MDZaki Abou-Mrad, MDTarek Y.
El Ahmadieh, MD, Memorial Sloan KetteringCancer Center, New York
and Piti´ e-Salp^ etrière UniversityHospital, Sorbonne University,
Neurosurgery *
I congratulate the authors on bringing together experts from all
neurosurgical subspecialties and from all across the globe to
deliver a book that is clearly laid out, readable, and
well-illustrated ... it will find its place as a reference book on
the bookshelves of neurosurgeons across the globe.
*Professor Franco Servadei, President World Federation of
Neurosurgical Societies and Neurosurgery professor at Humanitas
University and Research Hospital*
the Oxford Textbook of Neurological Surgery provides an invaluable
companion to neurosurgeons, from their earliest years of training
into subspecialty experience and consultant practice. It will
become the definitive single volume textbook for those who treat
surgical disorders of the nervous system in the United Kingdom and
around the world.
*Sir Graham Teasdale, Honorary Professor in Mental Health and
Wellbeing in the Institute of Health and Wellbeing*
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