"This book will save lives." -Dick Conger. An all-encompassing manual that addresses safety, equipment, tactics, and the best practices for all shooters, here is an all-encompassing book of use to every gun owner.
A result of twelve years of research, The Modern Day Gunslinger was written to meet the needs of the gun owner, the experienced shooter, those who own a weapon strictly for home and self-defense, and for the military member who wants to become a better shooter in defense of our country.
It's also for the law enforcement officer who risks his or her life going against the thugs of our society and for anyone interested in learning the defensive and tactical training techniques from some of the best and most experienced shooters in the world.
This comprehensive training manual includes chapters on:
The shooting skills taught in this book carry broad application in civilian, law enforcement, and military contexts. Common criminals, terrorists, assailants-the enemy and threat-all will find themselves outgunned in the face of a properly armed and trained gunslinger. Members of the armed services, government and law enforcement agencies, as well as civilians, will find that the close-range shooting methods addressed in this book can provide a decisive advantage.
Show more"This book will save lives." -Dick Conger. An all-encompassing manual that addresses safety, equipment, tactics, and the best practices for all shooters, here is an all-encompassing book of use to every gun owner.
A result of twelve years of research, The Modern Day Gunslinger was written to meet the needs of the gun owner, the experienced shooter, those who own a weapon strictly for home and self-defense, and for the military member who wants to become a better shooter in defense of our country.
It's also for the law enforcement officer who risks his or her life going against the thugs of our society and for anyone interested in learning the defensive and tactical training techniques from some of the best and most experienced shooters in the world.
This comprehensive training manual includes chapters on:
The shooting skills taught in this book carry broad application in civilian, law enforcement, and military contexts. Common criminals, terrorists, assailants-the enemy and threat-all will find themselves outgunned in the face of a properly armed and trained gunslinger. Members of the armed services, government and law enforcement agencies, as well as civilians, will find that the close-range shooting methods addressed in this book can provide a decisive advantage.
Show moreDon Mann's impressive military resume includes being a decorated combat veteran; corpsman; SEAL special operations technician; jungle survival, desert survival, and arctic survival instructor; small arms weapons, foreign weapons, armed and unarmed defense tactics, and advanced hand-to-hand combat instructor; and Survival, Evade, Resistance, and Escape instructor, in addition to other credentials. Mann's other books include Inside Seal Team Six, The U.S. Navy SEAL Survival Handbook, and the Thomas Crocker thrillers. He lives in Williamsburg, Virginia.
"The Modern Day Gunslinger should be every shooter's bible! It
delivers a straightforward approach to what we all know, or knew,
or should know, setting it straight as it should be and serving as
a daily reminder of the natural bad habits we all have. It deserves
to be on the bedside nightstand to peruse regularly - especially if
you don't get to shoot often enough."
--Dick Marcinko, a.k.a. Rogue Warrior, Commanding Officer SEAL Team
SIX and Red Cell (Ret.) and author of the New York Times bestseller
Rogue Warrior "The Modern Day Gunslinger is pure dynamite--a
gunfighter's bible. With a fundamental, broad-based foundation of
resources, it incorporates the best contributions of the great
minds and great trainers in this field. A 'must' for the beginner,
the master, or (perhaps most of all) the trainer."
--Lt. Col. David Grossman, Lt. Col., U.S. Army (ret.), author of
the Pulitzer Prize-nominated On Killing and On Combat, and
President of the Warrior Science Group "Great book! The Modern Day
Gunslinger should be read by everyone who owns or is considering
owning a firearm. Don Mann calls upon his vast experience as a
'shooter' to cover all aspects of shooting but most importantly the
mental aspects. He correctly stresses that anyone can shoot at a
paper target but not everyone is prepared to shoot at another
person in self-defense. This is the best and most concise
compendium on weapons defensive tactics I've seen!"
--Robert Gormly, Commanding Officer (Ret.), SEAL Team TWO and SEAL
Team SIX "The Modern Day Gunslinger incorporates real-world
survival principles and today's high-speed competition shooting
techniques--I highly recommend it to everyone, from novice to
seasoned pro. Even if you don't own a firearm, the personal
awareness section justifies its purchase."
--Brian Enos, NRA Bianchi Cup and Sportsman's Team Challenge
National Champion, Steel Masters Champion, and author of Practical
Shooting--Beyond Fundamentals "I've been both a student and an
instructor of firearms safety, marksmanship, and tactics for almost
40 years. During all those years, all those venues, and all the
courses attended and conducted, I've never encountered anything
that comes as close to saying it all as The Modern Day Gunslinger
does. I know there will be instructors and students who will be
reading MGD for decades to come. This book will save lives."
--Dick Conger, Senior Special Agent (Ret.), U.S. Customs Service,
and USG Senior Weapons and Tactics Instructor "This is the most
all-encompassing book on shooting I have ever seen. The complete
breakdown of every aspect of combat shooting is meticulously
discussed, giving the shooter the concrete fundamentals necessary
for fully-developed gunslinger skills. Many how-to manuals try to
walk a fine line between covering every detail without boring the
reader and trying to hit only the high points to keep the
information flowing. Don's writing style has changed the rules
altogether. Not only is there a fantastic level of detail, but the
facts are presented in a crystal clear fashion, illuminating the
fine points in a dynamic approach that allows the reader to enjoy
the process and not be intimidated by dry prose. I recommend this
book for everybody, whether you are a local shooting champion or a
novice who has never held a gun before. If you are even thinking
about improving your tactical shooting ability, put all the other
books back on the shelf: You have found everything you need in The
Modern Day Gunslinger."
--Jimmy B., Senior Firearms and Tactics Instructor, USG "A
comprehensive, defensive tactical training guide has been long
overdue. Don Mann has filled that gap. The Modern Day Gunslinger is
an all-inclusive manual that addresses safety, equipment, tactics,
and best practices for all shooters. Don and I served together at
two different SEAL Commands. I owned an indoor shooting range in
Tucson, Arizona, for 10 years and only wish that Don had published
this manual then. As an NRA instructor and Arizona Concealed Carry
Weapons instructor, I can state emphatically that this manual would
have been the only reference my instructors and I would have
needed. It would have been mandatory reading for all students."
--Dan T. Coulter, Commander Navy SEAL Team (Ret.) "As an FBI agent,
I have instructed government agents in small arms and tactics from
all over the world. The Modern Day Gunslinger is an invaluable
resource to the FBI and other U.S. government agencies. I have
taught firearms, hostage rescue, tactics, and street survival to
every level of law enforcement and this book is the only manual
that covers every detail of today's gun-fighting issues."
--Roger D. Browning, Special Agent (Ret.), Federal Bureau of
Investigation and USG Senior Weapons and Tactics Instructor "Don
Mann is an outstanding example of the military men this nation
produces, and a top-notch tactical operator and instructor. The
Modern Day Gunslinger is designed for the novice and expert alike,
whose needs range from home defense to government and military
missions. It is a very interesting read, chock full of information
that may save your life or the life of another. It will have a
special place in my library."
--Edward J. Pollard, Assistant Director (Ret.), Protective
Operations, United States Secret Service "During my 25-year career
I worked and trained throughout the world as a government weapons
and tactics instructor with the CIA, and as an undercover law
enforcement officer. Until now, there has not been a single
comprehensive training manual that references all the defensive
training and shooting procedures currently taught to the world's
most elite military and law enforcement units. The Modern Day
Gunslinger unlocks the fundamental training secrets in a clear and
concise manner, and illuminates a tangible approach to the world of
defensive and tactical shooting."
--Jon F., Senior Tactics and Weapons Instructor, USG "Don Mann has
produced a true quality, top-notch product with his book The Modern
Day Gunslinger. Don lays it out in layman's terms and covers the
whole gambit of shooting skills that build and develop sound
shooting techniques from novice to top-notch shooters. Utilizing
Don's guidance and skills related in this book, shooters will be
able to achieve that higher ability of shooting perfection that
will allow them to save lives and be able to return to their loved
ones. This is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive,
easy-to-read, and understandable instructional shooting book I have
ever seen. This is the type of book that will be the milestone on
which books on shooting, shooting skills, marksmanship, defensive
use of weapons, practical combat applications of weapons, and
mind-set will be measured in the future."
--Jim G. Master, Sergeant (Ret.), Special Forces/Ranger/LEO
"Finally, a one-stop source for weapons tactics, techniques, and
procedures. I've spent a career in Special Operations, conducting
overt, covert, and clandestine operations, learning this all the
hard way. Now someone has finally made it simple. Don Mann is a
true Quiet Professional. Thanks to him you can simply learn from
the best, skip the trial and error, and start concentrating on
putting rounds on target."
--Major Luther Papenfus, Major, U.S. Army Special Forces (Ret.) "A
wide-ranging, detailed compendium of the art and philosophy of
shooting, written by an experienced SEAL and student of both. This
is a must read for anyone wishing to understand or master that
--Dan'l Steward, Commanding Officer (Ret.), SEAL Team One "As chief
of law enforcement and firearms instructor, witnessing Don Mann
Speak and instruct is an extremely motivating experience. His
professional, calm, and confident demeanor is a quality that sets
Don apart from other weapons and tactics instructors. Students
listen and learn--knowing every word spoken is from years of
real-world operational experience. I know of no other person who
has mastered his craft more expertly, and I know of no better
defensive training manual than The Modern Day Gunslinger."
--Jan Wright, Chief of Police, Hamburg, New Jersey, Police
Department Rc5 "I trained and deployed overseas with Don Mann and
have known him well for over 25 years. Don is a world-class weapons
and tactics instructor and The Modern Day Gunslinger is a testament
to Don's knowledge as weapons instructor. The Modern Day Gunslinger
is an excellent resource for everyone that has an interest in
weapons training--from the military or law enforcement weapons
instructor to the novice interested in home defense."
--Randy Goodman, U.S. Navy (SEAL) Captain (Ret.) and Naval Special
Warfare Group Commander "Don Mann is a true warrior. He speaks from
a place of knowledge and experience, and has truly 'been there,
done that.' By writing The Modern Day Gunslinger, he has done an
incredible service to the law enforcement, military, and private
security communities, not to mention the everyday warriors who
understand today's reality: that each one of us is responsible for
our own survival."
--Niki Anderson, Counterintelligence Advisor, Centre for
Counterintelligence and Security Studies "During the last 45 years,
I have carried a variety of weapons as a combat Marine, a Secret
Service Law enforcement Officer, and a USG security contractor.
There can be grave legal consequences for anyone improperly
carrying or discharging a firearm. My recommendation would be that
no one pick up a firearm until they read what Don Mann has written.
The Modern Day Gunslinger will assist all levels of shooters by
presenting clear-cut information covering every aspect of firearm
safety and training."
--Bill Wamsley, Deputy Chief (Ret.), U.S. Secret Service "I
personally learned so much from The Modern Day Gunslinger, which I
consider to be a complete instructional manual for defensive
shooting. More importantly, it clearly addresses the responsibility
and accountability issues for using a weapon in self-defense. Don
Mann addresses the mental aspects that are fundamentally most
important in the use of a handgun for self-defense. This book is a
terrific tool for beginners and veteran handgun owners who may
someday be called to act with a handgun to preserve life, as well
as take it. Quite frankly, I found it difficult to put it
--Dr. Raymond Fritz, Navy SEAL Commander "The USMC taught me how to
use firearms effectively in combat situations. The Modern Day
Gunslinger builds in depth on this knowledge and experience by
clearly discussing safe and effective use of weapons and tactics in
civil society, home and personal protection, as well as unusual
circumstances. Don Mann's devotion to practicing and teaching these
techniques makes this outstanding book a classic in the field. Not
only a must read, but an essential study for any shooter."
--William Davis, PhD, USMC "The Modern Day Gunslinger is a
versatile and effective compilation of range safety practices,
marksmanship techniques, and combat tactics that will benefit both
novice and advanced shooters in many arenas."
--Paul F. Kelly, Firearms Instructor, Special Agent (Ret.), U.S.
Secret Service "The Modern Day Gunslinger is a realistic,
practical, easy-to-comprehend manual of the small arms tactics,
techniques, and procedures used successfully by our professional
and military gunfighters. I recommend this book as an essential
reference to anyone committed to perfecting their firearms handling
--John Stann, Captain, USMC "Don Mann's The Modern Day Gunslinger
is a concise, practical book on defensive tactical shooting. It is
an essential read for anyone from the gun owner interested in home
protection to the seasoned military or law enforcement
professional. The techniques presented from mind-set and
'survivor's awareness' to marksmanship and then on to tactics is,
without a doubt, the clearest presentation of defensive shooting I
have ever read. This book is highly recommended to anyone
interested in seriously improving their shooting skills!"
--Norm Creel, Command Master Chief, SEAL Team Eight "I believe The
Modern Day Gunslinger to be an ideal handbook for all shooters.
Whether you are a beginner or an advanced shooting professional,
there are many lessons and references from which we can all gain. I
strongly recommend you pick up a copy of The Modern Day Gunslinger
for your library; it's well worth it. I give The MDG my strongest
--Steven W. Bailey, Master Chief, Navy SEAL, USG Weapons and
Tactics Program Manager "[The Modern Day Gunslinger] delivered...
Filled with training drills, techniques, and explanations. It is
copiously illustrated with photographs, and is a very valuable
addition to a training library... The Modern Day Gunslinger is the
ultimate handgun training manual, and I am glad it is in my library
- I use it quite often in my own personal training, and I
whole-heartedly endorse it for your training. Because it can make a
difference if you actually follow the guidelines in the book, you
should own it. I recommend that you not only read this book, but
get out and practice what it says."
--David Nash, founder of the Shepherd School "[There is] a lot to
cover in a 420 page manual, but Mann does it in a concise,
organized, and well presented way. Each chapter breaks down
further, into several sub-sections, further organizing an already
excellent collection of techniques, tips, and drills. The
photography... provides us a clear explanation of the technique or
movement in question... [The Modern Day Gunslinger] would be an
excellent purchase or gift for shooters of any level."
--Gúra Chia, Practical Shooting Tips .com "The Modern Day
Gunslinger: The Ultimate Handgun Training Manual is by far one of
the most detailed compendiums on pistolcraft I have read in a long
time. The book covers a lot of information not covered in most
pistol books; topics range from the mental aspects to the hardware,
as well as the dynamics and mechanics of gunfighting and advanced
marksmanship... I highly recommend this book to military and law
enforcement personal as well as the concerned and armed
--Troy A. Letteiri, founder and Senior Training Director for the
internationally recognized Special Operations Tactical Tracking
Institute (SOTTI) and author of Scout-Tracker: Operational and
Training Notes of a Special Forces Combat Tracker "A practical book
for experienced and beginner shooters. As a BSIS firearms permit
instructor in Chino Hills, CA, I was looking for a good read to
remind me of the fundamentals of shooting... Mann did an excellent
job reminding us of the techniques used by the 'pros' such as Jeff
Copper... I liked how he used photos to complement each of his
discussions... Worth every dime."
--Shaun Sundahl, Chino Hills Private Investigator ***** Praise for
Skyhorse Publishing "It has been a pleasure watching Skyhorse
Publishing develop into one of the largest and fastest-growing
independent publishers over the last decade. Trident does a good
deal of business with Skyhorse. Skyhorse has become a cornerstone
of independent publishing and has taken its rightful seat in the
world of major trade publishing."
--Robert Gottlieb, chairman of Trident Media Group, LLC
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