8 1/2 X 10 15/16 in Foreword SECTION 1: EMBRYONIC KIDNE YS AND MODELS 1. Introduction: the e mbryonic kidneys and other nephrogenic models 2. Developm ent of the Malpighian tubules in Drosophila melanogaster 3. Induction, development and physiology of the pronephric tubules 4. Formation of the nephric duct 5. The proneph ric glomus and vasculature 6. Development of the mesonephri c kidney 7. 3-Dimensional anatomy of mammalian mesonephroi 8. The Molecular control of pronephros development- an Ove rview 9. Embryological, genetic and molecular tools for i nvestigating embryonic kidney development < STRONG>SECTION 2: THE ADULT KIDNEYS 10. Introduction 11. Anatomy and Histology of the Human U rinary System 12. Development of the Ureteric Bud 13. The Fates of the Metanephric Mesenchyme 14. Th e Formation and Development of Nephrons 15. Establishment
8 1/2 X 10 15/16 in Foreword SECTION 1: EMBRYONIC KIDNE YS AND MODELS 1. Introduction: the e mbryonic kidneys and other nephrogenic models 2. Developm ent of the Malpighian tubules in Drosophila melanogaster 3. Induction, development and physiology of the pronephric tubules 4. Formation of the nephric duct 5. The proneph ric glomus and vasculature 6. Development of the mesonephri c kidney 7. 3-Dimensional anatomy of mammalian mesonephroi 8. The Molecular control of pronephros development- an Ove rview 9. Embryological, genetic and molecular tools for i nvestigating embryonic kidney development < STRONG>SECTION 2: THE ADULT KIDNEYS 10. Introduction 11. Anatomy and Histology of the Human U rinary System 12. Development of the Ureteric Bud 13. The Fates of the Metanephric Mesenchyme 14. Th e Formation and Development of Nephrons 15. Establishment
1. Introduction: the embryonic kidneys and other nephrogenic
2. Development of the Malpighian tubules in Drosophila
3. Induction, development and physiology of the pronephric
4. Formation of the nephric duct
5. The pronephric glomus and vasculature
6. Development of the mesonephric kidney
7. 3-Dimensional anatomy of mammalian mesonephroi
8. The Molecular control of pronephros development- an Overview
9. Embryological, genetic and molecular tools for investigating
embryonic kidney development
10. Introduction
11. Anatomy and Histology of the Human Urinary System
12. Development of the Ureteric Bud
13. The Fates of the Metanephric Mesenchyme
14. The Formation and Development of Nephrons
15. Establishment of polarity in epithelial cells of the developing
16. Development of the Glomerular Capillary and its Basement
17. The development of kidney blood vessels
18. The Development of function in the metanephric kidney
19. Experimental methods for studying urogenital development
20. Overview: The Molecular Basis of Kidney Development
21. Maldevelopment of the Human Kidney and Lower Urinary Tract: an
22. Wilms' Tumor and related disorders
23. Pax-2 and Renal-Coloboma Syndrome
24. Polycystic Kidney Disease, von Hippel Lindau and Tuberous
26. Renal Cell Carcinoma: The Human Disease
27. The Tubule
28. Diseases of the Glomerular Filtration Barrier: Alport Syndrome
and Congenital Nephrosis (NPHS1)
29. Congenital Kidney Diseases: Prospects for New Therapies
Key Features
* Hundreds of color figures depicting key events in all aspects of
kidney development
* Full coverage of the genetic and cellular basis of kidney
* Analysis of the genetic basis of the major congenital kidney
Peter D. Vize uses the many advantages of model systems to explore the very first events in kidney development. These studies have characterized both the inductive signals that initiate kidney formation and also characterized the genetic response to these signals. Adrian Woolf heads the Nephro-Urology Unit at the Institute of Child Health. His research focuses on defining the biological basis of low numbers of glomeruli; on elucidating the normal mechanisms of renal vessel differentiation; vascular remodeling in kidney disease; and the study of the clinical and genetic aspects of primary vesicoureteric reflux, duplex kidneys, glomerulocystic diseases (oral-facial-digital type 1 and the Renal Cysts and Diabetes syndromes), Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Kallmann's syndrome etc. Jonathan Bard is a developmental biologist whose main interests are kidney development, the generation of structures in embryos and bioinformatics. He currently works on the cellular basis of nephron formation and on making ontologies of vertebrate anatomy for gene-expression databases (see http://genex.hgu.mrc.ac.uk" target="_blank">http://genex.hgu.mrc.ac.uk)
"It is well written and will be useful both for students and researchers in developmental biology, as well as clinical nephrologists and urologists. This book clearly outlines the development of the human kidney from an evolutionary perspective. In addition, it describes the pronephros and the mesonephros in great detail...The book concludes with an excellent review of therapies for congenital kidney diseases, including gene-transfer techniques and cell-based therapies. Overall, The Kidney is well organized and well written...an excellent resource for the researcher in kidney development and developmental diseases, and an outstanding reference for clinical pediatric nephrologists and urologists." - Sandeep Soman, TRENDS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM (2004) "finding this book was like driving to the top of a small hill only to find a magnificent, snow-capped mountain range rising a dozen or so miles ahead, begging to be explored. ...an excellent point of departure for laboratory trainees, as well as more senior scientists, who may want to catch up on the fundamentals of renal development in the modern era without much of a struggle." -AMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES (August 2003) "The book is well organized, lucidly written, and superbly illustrated. ...does a fine job of emphasizing that the kidney is a wonderful system in which to study many critical issues in cellular and developmental biology." -THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE (November 2003) "Recommended for medical and academic libraries and renal specialists." -E-STREAMS (September 2003) "This reader appreciates the imaginative handling of the illustrations that deal with pronephic, mesonephric, and metanephric development in a way that complements the excellent text descriptions...this book is an excellent point of departure for labratory trainees, as well as more senior scientists, like me, who may want to catch up on the fundamentals of renal development in the modenrn era without much of a struggle" -KIDNEY INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEDICAL CENTER (2003)
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