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Islamic Philosophy, Science, Culture, and Religion

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Table of Contents

1. Dedication

2. The Classical Heritage: Islamic Culture
2.1 Graeco-Arabica Christiana: The Christian Scholar ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-Faḍl (11th c. A.D.) as Transmitter of Greek Works, Hans Daiber
2.2 Aristo of Ceus: the Fragments concerning Eros, William W. Fortenbaugh
2.3 Professional Medical Ethics from a Foreign Past, David Reisman
2.4 The Arabic History of Science of Abū Sahl ibn Nawbaḫt (fl. ca 770-809) and Its Middle Persian Sources, Kevin van Bladel
2.5 The Physiology and Therapy of Anger: Galen on Medicine, the Soul, and Nature, Heinrich von Staden
2.6 In Aristotle’s Words: al-Ḥātimī’s (?) Epistle on al-Mutanabbī and Aristotle, Beatrice Gruendler
2.7 The Prison of Categories – Decline and Its Company, Sonja Brentjes
2.8 Also via Istanbul to New Haven – Mss Yale Syriac 7-12, Hidemi Takahashi

3. Classical Arabic Science and Philosophy
3.1 A Judeo-Arabic Version of Ṯābit ibn Qurra’s De Imaginibus and Ptolemy’s Opus Imaginum, Charles Burnett and Gideon Bohak
3.2 Ibn Sīnā’s Taʿlīqāt: The Presence of Paraphrases of and Super-commentaries on the Ilāhīyāt of the Šifāʾ, Jules Janssens
3.3 The Invention of Algebra in Zabīd: Between Legend and Fact, David King
3.4 Medieval and Modern Interpretations of Avicenna’s Modal Syllogistic, Tony Street
3.5 The Distinction between Essence and Existence in Avicenna’s Metaphysics: The Text and Its Context, Amos Bertolacci
3.6 Höfischer Stil und wissenschaftliche Rhetorik: al-Kindī als Epistolograph, Gerhard Endress
3.7 New Philosophical Texts of Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī: a Supplement to Endress’ Analytical Inventory, Robert Wisnovsky
3.8 Avicenna’s Notion of Transcendental Modulation of Existence (taškīk al-wuǧūd, analogia entis) and Its Greek and Arabic Sources, Alexander Treiger

4. Muslim Traditional Sciences
4.1 The Revealed Text and the Intended Subtext: Notes on the Hermeneutics of the Qurʾān in Muʿtazila Discourse as Reflected in the Tahḏīb of al-Ḥākim al-Ǧišumī (d. 494/1101), Suleiman Mourad
4.2 Attributing Causality to God’s Law: the Solution of Faḫr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī, Felicitas Opwis
4.3 Kitāb al-Ḥayda: The Historical Significance of an Apocryphal Text, Racha El Omari
4.4 From al-Maʾmūn to Ibn Sabʿīn via Avicenna: Ibn Taymīya’s Historiography of Falsafa, Yahya Michot


About the Author

Felicitas Opwis, Ph.D. (2001) in Arabic and Islamic Studies, Yale University, is Assistant Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Georgetown University. Her publications address the development of Islamic legal theory in light of intellectual currents and historical environment.

David C. Reisman, Ph.D. (2001) in Arabic and Islamic Studies, Yale University, has published extensively on Islamic philosphy, in particular on Avicenna and his intellectual reception.


"...a rich and wide-ranging volume."
Peter Adamson in Ilahiyat Studies 3.2 (2012).

"The shape of [this Festschrift] not only reflects this breadth of interests, but also speaks to the refreshingly old-fashioned values that its honouree has always insisted upon: hard work, due diligence, care and caution, and above all an attention to textual detail."
Taneli Kukkonen in Journal of Shiʿa Studies 6.2 (2013), 219-223.

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