Introduction, Hazel Kemshall and Jacki Pritchard. 1 Risking Legal Repercussions, David Carson. 2 Risk Assessment in Child Protection Work, Brian Corby. 3 Children with Disabilities, Philippa Russell. 4 A Framework of Risk Assessment and Management for Older People, Jane Lawson. 5 Risk and Older People, Rosemary Littlechild and John Blakeney. 6 Risk for Whom? Social Work and People with Physical Disabilities, Liz Ross and Jan Waterson. 7 Risk Management and People with Mental Health Problems, Tony Ryan. 8 Risk Work and Mental Health, Ann Davis. 9 Facts, Fantasies and Confusion; Risks and Substance Use, Ronno Griffiths and Jan Waterson. 10 Offender Risk and Probation Practice, Hazel Kemshall. 11 Sex Offender Risk Assessment, Sue McEwan and Joe Sullivan. 12 Violence and Aggression to Social Work and Social Care Staff, Brian Littlechild. 13 Applying Risk in Practice: Case Studies and Training Material, Avril Aust, Hazel Kemshall, Jane Lawson, Sue McEwan and Joe Sullivan, Jacki Pritchard, Tony Ryan.
Introduction, Hazel Kemshall and Jacki Pritchard. 1 Risking Legal Repercussions, David Carson. 2 Risk Assessment in Child Protection Work, Brian Corby. 3 Children with Disabilities, Philippa Russell. 4 A Framework of Risk Assessment and Management for Older People, Jane Lawson. 5 Risk and Older People, Rosemary Littlechild and John Blakeney. 6 Risk for Whom? Social Work and People with Physical Disabilities, Liz Ross and Jan Waterson. 7 Risk Management and People with Mental Health Problems, Tony Ryan. 8 Risk Work and Mental Health, Ann Davis. 9 Facts, Fantasies and Confusion; Risks and Substance Use, Ronno Griffiths and Jan Waterson. 10 Offender Risk and Probation Practice, Hazel Kemshall. 11 Sex Offender Risk Assessment, Sue McEwan and Joe Sullivan. 12 Violence and Aggression to Social Work and Social Care Staff, Brian Littlechild. 13 Applying Risk in Practice: Case Studies and Training Material, Avril Aust, Hazel Kemshall, Jane Lawson, Sue McEwan and Joe Sullivan, Jacki Pritchard, Tony Ryan.
Introduction, Hazel Kemshall and Jacki Pritchard. 1 Risking Legal Repercussions, David Carson. 2 Risk Assessment in Child Protection Work, Brian Corby. 3 Children with Disabilities, Philippa Russell. 4 A Framework of Risk Assessment and Management for Older People, Jane Lawson. 5 Risk and Older People, Rosemary Littlechild and John Blakeney. 6 Risk for Whom? Social Work and People with Physical Disabilities, Liz Ross and Jan Waterson. 7 Risk Management and People with Mental Health Problems, Tony Ryan. 8 Risk Work and Mental Health, Ann Davis. 9 Facts, Fantasies and Confusion; Risks and Substance Use, Ronno Griffiths and Jan Waterson. 10 Offender Risk and Probation Practice, Hazel Kemshall. 11 Sex Offender Risk Assessment, Sue McEwan and Joe Sullivan. 12 Violence and Aggression to Social Work and Social Care Staff, Brian Littlechild. 13 Applying Risk in Practice: Case Studies and Training Material, Avril Aust, Hazel Kemshall, Jane Lawson, Sue McEwan and Joe Sullivan, Jacki Pritchard, Tony Ryan.
Jacki Pritchard is a qualified social worker who has worked as a practitioner and manager in both fieldwork and hospital settings. She is currently working as a trainer, consultant and researcher focusing on abuse, risk and violence. Her previous publications include Good Practice in Child Protection and Good Practice in Supervision. Hazel Kemshall is currently Professor of Community and Criminal Justice at DeMontfort University. She was previously a senior lecturer at Birmingham University and has practice and management experience with the Probation Service. She has written extensively on risk assessment and risk management, and has recently completed research for the Economic and Social Research Council.
Contains much material of interest and value... The division of the
book into chapters concerning work with particular client groups
makes it a useful and accessible source to consult for a succinct
overview of current thinking on the subject. The chapters are
written by practitioners, lecturers, directors, advisers and
*Journal of Social Work Practice*
In this handy collection of articles by academics, trainers and
care professionals, the editors argue that risk is a complex
practice and policy issue but little practical guidance and
training is on offer... A much needed addition to the patchy body
literature on risk.
*Journal of Clinical Practice*
This book will be of interest to all those working in social care
who are concerned with the assessment and management of calculated
*Therapeutic Care and Education*
This book offers a practitioner-centered book about controlling the
risk or dangers in relation to people who are seen as disabled,
disadvantaged and/or deviant. This book will be a valuable addition
to the shelves of practitioners, particularly if they take on board
the inherent uncertainties of risk and do not search for a perfect
system for its assessment or management.
*Disability and Society*
This book is a rich resource of information, ideas and frameworks
for consideration in many areas of risk assessment and management,
particularly in relation to issues which may not be at the
forefront of the mental health nurse's mind. It also provides a
useful insight into how social services see risk issues.
*Mental Health Nursing*
This book is interesting and valuable to me as a health
professional... The different approaches taken by each author
enhance the richness of the book and cover the dilemmas of risk
assessment and management in a variety of areas. The book achieves
its aim of providing a guide to good practice in risk assessment
and risk management.Professionals working directly with clients
will find specific chapters on thier area, but may well benefit
from looking through other chapters to help develop good practice
by drawing on a range of theoretical frameworks and other examples.
Managers in health and social services will also find this book
useful... To date this is the most comprehensive and useful book on
risk assessment and risk management and is highly recommended.
*Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities*
The difficulty of balancing the management of risks and the rights
of the individuals is tackled with sensitivity and skill...The book
is well referenced throughout and should be required reading for
practitioners, managers and policy makers.
*Therapy Weekly*
`this book does not shirk the `big issues' and, by doing so, begins
to unfold the complex nature of its subject. To their credit in
general, the authors do not lose sight of their portfolio and
therefore the body of the text is peppered with case studies and
examples of direct work with clients...a book which every
practitioner, manager and student should be able to draw
from...This work should be viewed as a benchmark from which the
concept of risk can be developed through better training both in
terms of understanding how we make judgements and the way in which
those decisions are then managed.'
*Probation Journal*
Here we have a very handy protection kit dedicated "To all the
practitioners who run the risk". The book is a series of essays
that cover social work in all settings; child care, mental illness,
drug use, offending and sex offending. The book opens with a
helpful chapter on legal repurcussions and ends, appropriately,
with one of the best contributions by Brian Littlechild on the risk
of violence and aggression to staff...this is an excellent book and
essential reading irrespective of the social climate.
*Criminal Justice (The Magazine of the Howard League)*
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