A book in the 'Hwyl Drwy'r Flwyddyn' series of colourful reading books for Welsh (Second-language) KS1 pupils. The book, which is full of delightful pictures, describes how one family celebrates Easter.
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Ships from UKEstimated delivery date: 8th May - 15th May from UK
A book in the 'Hwyl Drwy'r Flwyddyn' series of colourful reading books for Welsh (Second-language) KS1 pupils. The book, which is full of delightful pictures, describes how one family celebrates Easter.
Un o lyfrau'r gyfres 'Hwyl Drwy'r Flwyddyn', sef cyfres o lyfrau
darllen lliwgar ar gyfer disgyblion Cyfnod Allweddol 1 Ail Iaith.
Llyfr yn llawn lluniau hyfryd yn disgrifio sut mae un teulu yn
dathlu'r Pasg.
*Cyhoeddwr: CAA Cymru*