This research review discusses a compilation of path-breaking and well-cited literature as well as otherwise original contributions to the international debate on consumer protection. It focuses in particular on the role and policy of consumer law as well as on the approaches and methods of research in this domain. Key papers regarding the various instruments and issues surrounding consumer law are explored. The picture that emerges from this title is an area of law that is profoundly international and multidisciplinary, this piece of literature extends on this and ties together the featured papers. This review will be a useful tool for consumer law researchers and valuable to those engaged by this popular practice area.
This research review discusses a compilation of path-breaking and well-cited literature as well as otherwise original contributions to the international debate on consumer protection. It focuses in particular on the role and policy of consumer law as well as on the approaches and methods of research in this domain. Key papers regarding the various instruments and issues surrounding consumer law are explored. The picture that emerges from this title is an area of law that is profoundly international and multidisciplinary, this piece of literature extends on this and ties together the featured papers. This review will be a useful tool for consumer law researchers and valuable to those engaged by this popular practice area.
Introduction Thomas Wilhelmsson and Geraint Howells
A Goals and Purpose of Consumer Law
1. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2003), ‘United
Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection (As Expanded in 1999)‘,
New York, NY, USA: United Nations, accessed on 26th September 2018,
2. John F. Kennedy (1962), ‘Special Message to the Congress on
Protecting the Consumer Interest’, American Presidency Project,
published online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, accessed on
26th September 2018, 1–9,
3. Michael J. Trebilcock (1975), ‘Winners and Losers in the Modern
Regulatory System: Must the Consumer Always Lose’, Osgoode Hall Law
Journal, 13 (3), December, 619–47
4. Iain Ramsay (1985), ‘Framework for Regulation of the Consumer
Marketplace’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 8 (4), December,
5. Norbert Reich (1992), ‘Diverse Approaches to Consumer Protection
Philosophy’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 14 (3), September,
6. Sinai Deutch (1994), ‘Are Consumer Rights Human Rights?’,
Osgoode Hall Law Journal , 32 (3), Fall, 537–78
7. Thomas Wilhelmsson (2004), ‘The Abuse of the “Confident
Consumer” as a Justification for EC Consumer Law’, Journal of
Consumer Policy, 27 (3), September, 317–37
8. Peter Cartwright (2015), ‘Understanding and Protecting
Vulnerable Financial Consumers’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 38
(2), June, 119–38
B Sustainability and Consumer Law
9. Sothi Rachagan (2018), ‘Development and Consumer Law’, in
Geraint Howells, Iain Ramsay and Thomas Wilhelmsson (eds), Handbook
of Research on International Consumer Law: Second Edition, Chapter
3, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar
Publishing, 35–63
10. Klaus Tonner (2000), ‘Consumer Protection and Environmental
Protection: Contradictions and Suggested Steps Towards
Integration’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 23 (1), March, 63–78
C Consumer and Competition Law
11. Angus MacCulloch (2018), ‘The Consumer and Competition Law’, in
Geraint Howells, Iain Ramsay and Thomas Wilhelmsson (eds), Handbook
of Research on International Consumer Law: Second Edition, Chapter
4, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar
Publishing, 64–89
A Consumer Law and General Private Law
12. Hans-W. Micklitz (1999), ‘Principles of Social Justice in
European Private Law’, Yearbook of European Law, 19 (1), January,
13. Brigitta Lurger (2011), ‘The ‘Social’ Side of Contact Law and
the New Principle of Regard and Fairness’ in Arthur Hartkamp,
Martijn Hesselink, Ewould Hondius, Chantal Mak and Edgar du Perron
(eds), Towards a European Civil Code: Forth Revised and Expanded
Edition, Chapter 15, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands: Wolters
Kluwer, 353–86
B Empirical and Behavioural Research
14. Ian Ayres (1991), ‘Fair Driving: Gender and Race Discrimination
in Retail Car Negotiations’, Harvard Law Review, 104 (4), February,
15. Oren Bar-Gill (2007), ‘The Behavioural Economics of Consumer
Contracts’, Minnesota Law Review, 92 (3), February, 749–802
16. Oren Bar-Gill, Omri Ben-Shahar and Florencia Marotta-Wurgler
(2017), ‘Searching for the Common Law: The Quantitative Approach of
Restatement of Consumer Contracts’, University of Chicago Law
Review, January, 84 (7), Winter, 7–35
17. Anne-Lise Sibony (2015), ‘Can EU Consumer Law Benefit From
Behavioural Insights’, in Klaus Mathis (ed.), European Perspectives
on Behavioural Law and Economics (Economic Analysis of Law in
European Legal Scholarship), Cham, Switzerland: Springer
International Publishing, 901–41
C Comparative Consumer Law
18. Geraint Howells and Thomas Wilhelmsson (1997), ‘EC and US
Approaches to Consumer Protection – Should the Gap Be Bridged?’
Yearbook of European Law, 17 (1), November, 207–67
19. James Q. Whitman (2007), ‘Consumerism Versus Producerism: A
Study in Comparative Law’, Yale Law Journal, 117 (3), December,
D EU Consumer Policy
20. Jules Stuyck (2000), ‘European Consumer Law After the Treaty of
Amsterdam: Consumer Policy in or Beyond the Internal Market’,
Common Market Law Review, 37 (2), May, 367–400
21. Stephen Weatherill (2012), ‘The Consumer Rights Directive: How
and Why a Quest for “Coherence” Has (Largely) Failed’, Common
Market Law Review, 49 (4), June, 1279–317
Introduction An introduction to both volumes by the editors appears
in Volume I
1. William C. Whitford (1973), ‘The Function of Disclosure
Regulation in Consumer Transactions’, Wisconsin Law Review, 68 (2),
October, 400–70
2. Gillian K. Hadfield, Robert Howse and Michael J. Trebilcock
(1998), ‘Information-Based Principles for Rethinking Consumer
Protection Policy’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 21 (2), June,
3. Geraint Howells (2005), ‘The Potential and Limits of Consumer
Empowerment by Information’, Journal of Law and Society, 32 (3),
September, 349–70
4. Omri Ben-Shahar and Carl E. Schneider (2011), ‘The Failure of
Mandated Disclosure’, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 159
(3), February, 647–749
5. Pamaria Rekaiti and Roger Van den Bergh (2000), ‘Cooling-Off
Periods in the Consumer Law of the EC Member States: A Comparative
Law and Economics Approach’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 23 (4),
December, 371–407
6. Jules Stuyck, Evelyne Terryn and Tom Van Dyck (2006),’Confidence
Through Fairness? The New Directive on Unfair Business-to-Consumer
Commercial Practices in the Internal Market’, Common Market Law
Review, 43 (1), October, 107–52
7. Alan Schwartz and Louis L. Wilde (1983), ‘Imperfect Information
in Markets for Contract Terms: The Examples of Warranties and
Security Interests’, Virginia Law Review, 9 (8), November,
8. Hans Erich Brandner and Peter Ulmer (1991), ‘The Community
Directive on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts: Some Critical
Remarks on the Proposal Submitted by the EC Commission’, Common
Market Law Review, 28, October, 647–62
9. Hugh Beale (1995), ‘Legislative Control of Fairness: The
Directive on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts’, in Jack Beatson
and Daniel Friedman (eds), Good Faith and Fault in Contract Law,
Chapter 9, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University
Press, 231–61
10. Hans-W. Micklitz and Norbert Reich (2014),’The Court and
Sleeping Beauty: The Revival of the Unfair Contract Terms Directive
(UCTD)’, Common Market Law Review, 51 (3), October, 771–808
11. Mindy Chen-Wishart (2014), ‘Regulating Unfair Terms’, in Louise
Gullifer and Stefan Vogenauer (eds), English and European
Perspectives on Contract and Commercial Law: Essays in Honour of
Hugh Beale, Chapter 7, Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 105–30
12. Chris Willett (2012), ‘General Clauses and the Competing Ethics
of EU Consumer Law in the UK’, Cambridge Law Journal, 71 (2), July,
13. George L. Priest (1981), ‘A Theory of the Consumer Product
Warranty’, Yale Law Journal, 90 (6), May, 1297–352
14. Colin Scott (2004), ‘Regulatory Innovation and the Online
Consumer’, Law and Policy, 26 (3-4), August, 477–506
15. Natali Helberger, M.B.M. Loos, Lucie Guibault, Chantal Mak and
Lodewijk Pessers (2013),‘Digital Content Contracts for Consumers’,
Journal of Consumer Policy, 36 (1), March, 37–57
16. Arun Sundararajan (2016),’The Shifting Landscape of Regulation
and Consumer Protection’, in The Sharing Economy: The End of
Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism, Chapter 6,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, MA, USA: MIT Press, 131–58
17. Iain Ramsay (1995),’Consumer Credit Law, Distributive Justice
and the Welfare State’, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 15 (2),
July, 177–97
18. Udo Reifner (2007), ‘Renting a Slave – European Contract Law in
the Credit Society’ in Thomas Wihelmsson, Elina Paunio and Annika
Pohjolainen (eds), Private Law and the Many Cultures of Europe,
Chapter 17, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 325–42
19. Toni Williams (2007), ‘Empowerment of Whom and for What?
Financial Literacy Education and the New Regulation of Consumer
Financial Services’, Law and Policy, 29 (2), April, 226–56
20. Thomas Wilhelmsson (1990), ‘”Social Force Majeure” – A New
Concept in Nordic Consumer Law’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 13
(1), March, 1–14
21. David G. Owen (1993), ‘The Moral Foundations of Products
Liability Law: Towards First Principles’, Notre Dame Law Review, 68
(3), September, 427–506
22. Geraint G. Howells and Mark Mildred (1998), ‘Is European
Products Liability More Protective Than the Restatement (Third) of
Torts: Product Liability?’, Tennessee Law Review, 65, November,
23. Mathias Reimann (2003),‘Liability for Defective Products at the
Beginning of the Twenty-First Century: Emergence of a Worldwide
Standard?’, American Journal of Comparative Law, 51 (4), October,
24. Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson Jr. (2009),
‘Manufacturers’ Liability for Defective Product Designs: The
Triumph of Risk Utility’, Brooklyn Law Review, 74 (3), December,
25. Peter Rott (2005), ‘A New Social Contract Law For Public
Services? – Consequences from Regulation of Services of General
Economic Interest in the EC’, European Review of Contract Law, 1
(3), September, 323–45
Edited by Thomas Wilhelmsson, Professor Emeritus of Civil and Commercial Law and Chancellor Emeritus, University of Helsinki, Finland and Geraint Howells, University of Galway, Ireland
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