Recent innovations in agriculture and food technologies have brought benefits to many countries, particularly in developing regions, but information about the extent of these has often been sparse. This research review examines the best papers on the subject to form a comprehensive, global perspective on the impacts of agricultural biotechnology around the world.
With an emphasis on the economic, environmental, health and food security aspects of agbiotech, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Development will prove to be an invaluable resource for academics, students and researchers alike.
Recent innovations in agriculture and food technologies have brought benefits to many countries, particularly in developing regions, but information about the extent of these has often been sparse. This research review examines the best papers on the subject to form a comprehensive, global perspective on the impacts of agricultural biotechnology around the world.
With an emphasis on the economic, environmental, health and food security aspects of agbiotech, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Development will prove to be an invaluable resource for academics, students and researchers alike.
Peter W.B. Phillips, Stuart J. Smyth and David Castle
1. Philipp Aerni (2011), ‘Do Political Attitudes Affect Consumer
Choice? Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Study with Genetically
Modified Bread in Switzerland’, Sustainability, 3 (9), September,
2. Akhter Ali and Awudu Abdulai (2010), ‘The Adoption of
Genetically Modified Cotton and Poverty Reduction in Pakistan’,
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 61 (1), February, 175–92
3. Julian M. Alston, Michele C. Marra, Philip G. Pardey and T.J.
Wyatt (2000), ‘Research Returns Redux: A Meta-Analysis of the
Returns to Agricultural R&D’, Australian Journal of
Agricultural and Resource Economics, 44 (2), June, 185–215
4. Klaus Ammann (2007), ‘Reconciling Traditional Knowledge with
Modern Agriculture: A Guide for Building Bridges’, in Anatole
Krattiger, Richard T. Mahoney, Lita Nelsen, Jennifer A. Thomson,
Alan B. Bennett, Kanikaram Satyanarayana, Gregory D. Graff, Carlos
Fernandez and Stanley P. Kowalski (eds), Intellectual Property
Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation: A Handbook of
Best Practices, Chapter 16.7, Oxford, UK: MIHR (Centre for the
Management of Intellectual Property in Health Research and
Development) and Davis, CA: PIPRA (Public Intellectual Property
Resource for Agriculture), 1539–62
5. Kym Anderson (2010), ‘Economic Impacts of Policies Affecting
Crop Biotechnology and Trade’, New Biotechnology, 27 (5), November,
6. Arnab K. Basu and Matin Qaim (2007), ‘On The Adoption of
Genetically Modified Seeds in Developing Countries and the Optimal
Types of Government Intervention’, American Journal of Agricultural
Economics, 89 (3), August, 784–804
7. Volker Beckmann, Claudio Soregaroli and Justus Wesseler (2006),
‘Coexistence Rules and Regulations in the European Union’, American
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88 (5), December, 1193–9
8. Richard Bennett, Stephen Morse and Yousouf Ismael (2006), ‘The
Economic Impact of Genetically Modified Cotton on South African
Smallholders: Yield, Profit and Health Effects’, Journal of
Development Studies, 42 (4), May, 662–77
9. Graham Brookes and Peter Barfoot (2012), ‘Global Impact of
Biotech Crops: Environmental Effects, 1996–2010’, GM Crops and
Food: Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain, 3 (2),
April/May/June, 129–37
10. Derek Byerlee and Ken Fischer (2002), ‘Accessing Modern
Science: Policy and Institutional Options for Agricultural
Biotechnology in Developing Countries’, World Development, 30 (6),
June, 931–48
11. Carl Pray, Danmeng Ma, Jikun Huang and Fangbin Qiao (2001),
‘Impact of Bt Cotton in China’, World Development, 29 (5), May,
12. Carl K. Eicher, Karim Maredia and Idah Sithole-Niang (2006),
‘Crop Biotechnology and the African Farmer’, Food Policy, 31 (6),
December, 504–27
13. José Benjamin Falck-Zepeda, Greg Traxler and Robert G. Nelson
(2000), ‘Surplus Distribution from the Introduction of a
Biotechnology Innovation’, American Journal of Agricultural
Economics, 82 (2), May, 360–9
14. Jose Falck-Zepeda, Jose Yorobe, Jr., Bahagiawati Amir Husin,
Abraham Manalo, Erna Lokollo, Godfrey Ramon, Patricia Zambrano
(2012), ‘Estimates and Implications of the Costs of Compliance with
Biosafety Regulations in Developing Countries’, GM Crops and Food:
Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain, 3 (1),
January/February/March, 52–9
15. Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo and Margriet Caswell, with
contributions from Lorraine Mitchell, Elise Golan and Fred Kuchler
(2006), ‘The First Decade of Genetically Engineered Crops in the
United States’, United States Department of Agriculture Economic
Information Bulletin Number 11 (EIB-11), April, 1–36
16. George B. Frisvold and Jeanne M. Reeves (2010), ‘Resistance
Management and Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biotechnology’,
AgBioForum: The Journal of Agrobiotechnology Management and
Economics, 13 (4), 343–59
17. Guillaume Gruère and Debdatta Sengupta (2011), ‘Bt Cotton and
Farmer Suicides in India: An Evidence-Based Assessment’, Journal of
Development Studies, 47 (2), February, 316–37
18. Ronald J. Herring (2007), ‘Stealth Seeds: Bioproperty,
Biosafety, Biopolitics’, Journal of Development Studies, 43 (1),
January, 130–57
19. Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, Carl Pray and Qinfang Wang (2002),
‘Plant Biotechnology in China’, Science, 295 (5555), January,
20. Jikun Huang, Deliang Zhang, Jun Yang, Scott Rozelle and
Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes (2008), ‘Will the Biosafety Protocol
Hinder or Protect the Developing World: Learning from China’s
Experience’, Food Policy, 33 (1), February, 1–12
21. Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu, Scott Rozelle and Carl Pray (2008),
‘Genetically Modified Rice, Yields, and Pesticides: Assessing
Farm-Level Productivity Effects in China’, Economic Development and
Cultural Change, 56 (2), January, 241–63
22. W.D. Hutchison, E.C. Burkness, P.D. Mitchell, R.D. Moon, T.W.
Leslie, S.J. Fleischer, M. Abrahamson, K.L. Hamilton, K.L. Steffey,
M.E. Gray, R.L. Hellmich, L.V. Kaster, T.E. Hunt, R.J. Wright, K.
Pecinovsky, T.L. Rabaey, B.R. Flood and E.S. Raun (2010), ‘Areawide
Suppression of European Corn Borer with Bt Maize Reaps Savings to
Non-Bt Maize Growers’, Science, 330 (6001), October, 222–5
23. Calestous Juma (2011), ‘Science Meets Farming in Africa’,
Science, 334 (6061), December, 1323
24. Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, Richard Maltsbarger and James Barnes
(2001), ‘Global Identity Preservation Costs in Agricultural Supply
Chains’, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 49 (4),
December, 605–15
25. Michael Lipton (2001), ‘Reviving Global Poverty Reduction: What
Role for Genetically Modified Plants?’, Journal of International
Development, 13 (7), October, 823–46
26. GianCarlo Moschini (2001), ‘Biotech—Who Wins? Economic Benefits
and Costs of Biotechnology Innovations in Agriculture’, Estey
Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, 2 (1),
Spring, 93–117
27. Giancarlo Moschini and Harvey Lapan (1997), ‘Intellectual
Property Rights and the Welfare Effects of Agricultural R&D’,
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79 (4), November,
28. Carl E. Pray, Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu and Scott Rozelle (2002),
‘Five Years of Bt Cotton in China – The Benefits Continue’, Plant
Journal, 31 (4), August, 423–30
29. Carl E. Pray (2001), ‘Public-Private Sector Linkages in
Research and Development: Biotechnology and the Seed Industry in
Brazil, China and India’, American Journal of Agricultural
Economics, 83 (3), August, 742–7
30. Carl E. Pray and Anwar Naseem (2007), ‘Supplying Crop
Biotechnology to the Poor: Opportunities and Constraints’, Journal
of Development Studies, 43 (1), January, 192–217
31. Matin Qaim and Greg Traxler (2005), ‘Roundup Ready Soybeans in
Argentina: Farm Level and Aggregate Welfare Effects’, Agricultural
Economics, 32 (1), January, 73–86
32. Matin Qaim (2009), ‘The Economics of Genetically Modified
Crops’, Annual Review of Resource Economics, 1, June, 665–93
33. Matin Qaim (2003), ‘Bt Cotton in India: Field Trial Results and
Economic Projections’, World Development, 31 (12), December,
34. Matin Qaim and Alain de Janvry (2003), ‘Genetically Modified
Crops, Corporate Pricing Strategies, and Farmers’ Adoption: The
Case of Bt Cotton in Argentina’, American Journal of Agricultural
Economics, 85 (4), November, 814–28
35. Melinda Smale, Patricia Zambrano and Mélodie Cartel (2006),
‘Bales and Balance: A Review of the Methods Used to Assess the
Economic Impact of Bt Cotton on Farmers in Developing Economies’,
AgBioForum: The Journal of Agrobiotechnology Management and
Economics, 9 (3), 195–212
36. Stuart J. Smyth and Drew L. Kershen (2006), ‘Agricultural
Biotechnology: Legal Liability Regimes from Comparative and
International Perspectives’, Global Jurist, 6 (2), October, i,
37. Stuart J. Smyth, George G. Khachatourians and Peter W.B.
Phillips (2002), ‘Liabilities and Economics of Transgenic Crops’,
Nature Biotechnology, 20 (6), June, 537–41
38. Stuart J. Smyth, William A. Kerr and Peter W.B. Phillips
(2011), ‘Recent Trends in the Scientific Basis of Sanitary and
Phytosanitary Trade Rules and their Potential Impact on
Investment’, Journal of World Investment and Trade, 12 (1),
39. Arjunan Subramanian and Matin Qaim (2010), ‘The Impact of Bt
Cotton on Poor Households in Rural India’, Journal of Development
Studies, 46 (2), February, 295–311
40. Felicia Wu (2006), ‘Mycotoxin Reduction in Bt Corn: Potential
Economic, Health, and Regulatory Impacts’, Transgenic Research, 15
(3), June, 277–89
41. David Zilberman, Holly Ameden and Matin Qiam (2007), ‘The
Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology on Yields, Risks, and
Biodiversity in Low-Income Countries’, Journal of Development
Studies, 43 (1), January, 63–78
42. David Zilberman, Holly Ameden, Gregory D. Graff and Matin Qaim
(2004), ‘Agricultural Biotechnology: Productivity, Biodiversity,
and Intellectual Property Rights’, Journal of Agricultural and Food
Industrial Organization, 2 (2), May, i, 1–16
43. Roukayatou Zimmermann and Matin Qaim (2004), ‘Potential Health
Benefits of Golden Rice: A Philippine Case Study’, Food Policy, 29
(2), April, 147–68
Edited by Peter W.B. Phillips, Distinguished Professor of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan, David Castle, Professor of Public Administration and Vice President Research, University of Victoria and Stuart J. Smyth, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioresource Policy, Business and Economics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
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